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Viewing weinreich's Bookmarks

[http://credibility.stanford.edu/captology/notebook/archives.new/2006/08/simpill.html] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, mobile, technology - 3 | id:79446 -

SIMpill is a medication compliance technology in the form of a sms enabled pill bottle that sends text messages to a central server to remind people that they need to take their medication and provide feedback if the medication timeframe is missed.

[http://fenton.com/pages/5_resources/pdf/international_issues_final.pdf] - - public:weinreich
filetype:pdf, international, media, media:document, public_relations - 5 | id:79451 -

Getting U.S. media coverage of international issues has its challenges, but it's not impossible. This guide offers these 10 tips to help you cross the divide between events over there to the news over here. From Fenton Communications.

[http://fenton.com/pages/5_resources/nowhearthis.htm] - - public:weinreich
how_to, media, media_advocacy - 3 | id:79452 -

The nine laws of successful advocacy communications from Fenton Communications

[http://credibility.stanford.edu/captology/notebook/archives.new/2006/07/free_registrati.html] - - public:weinreich
conference, mobile - 2 | id:79457 -

Sign up for a one-day conference on how mobile technology can change people's beliefs and behaviors. This event will be at Stanford University on Friday, November 10th. Free registration only lasts for a limited time.

[http://www.mediarights.org/] - - public:weinreich
entertainment_education, media, youth - 3 | id:79459 -

MediaRights is a community organization dedicated to maximizing the impact of social-issue documentaries and shorts. They help adult and youth filmmakers reach audiences, educators and librarians bring films into their curricula and nonprofits and activis

[http://www.resonancepartnership.com/resonance_partnership/2006/07/if_men_are_from.html] - - public:weinreich
blogging, research - 2 | id:79473 -

A great summary from Resonance Partnership Blog of the concerns raised about a recent report from Jupiter Research and a list of questions to ask to determine whether research reports are valid

[http://netsquared.org/mobileactive] - - public:weinreich
mobile, social_change - 2 | id:79486 -

MobileActive is a global network of organizations, technologists, organizers, and activists who are using mobile phones in their social change work.

[http://www.kff.org/entpartnerships/7515.cfm] - - public:weinreich
campaign_effects, health_communication, HIV_AIDS, media, sample_campaigns - 5 | id:79487 -

This report focuses on how national media campaigns on HIV/AIDS have evolved over the last 25 years in the U.S., reflecting the changing nature of the disease as awareness and treatment have progressed. It also provides insight on the approaches, historic

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