In their landmark 1959 report often referenced in leadership theory, social psychologists John R. P. French and Bertram Raven pinpointed five bases of power: Legitimate: when people perceive that your rank in a formal hierarchy—e.g., manager, CEO, or president—gives you the right to “prescribe” their behavior Reward: when people perceive your ability to distribute rewards for completed tasks or met goals Coercive: when people perceive your ability to distribute punishments and disincentives (the opposite of reward power) Expert: when people perceive your special knowledge or expertise, which causes them to defer to your expertise Referent: when people feel “oneness” with you or a desire to be like you, leading to their respect and admiration of you Referent power is considered the most potent because it doesn’t require that a leader micromanage, use coercion, or reward to influence others. People follow a leader with referent power based on who the leader is and how they behave. According to French and Raven, referent power has the broadest range of influence of any power, allowing it to be leveraged on a large scale.
According to Social Media Perth, the acronym stands for “get ready with me,“ which is a common form of video content found on platforms like YouTube and increasingly on TikTok as well. These videos are typically created by people in the beauty and fashion spaces, and they involve a thorough documentation of everything an influencer does during their morning or evening routines.
Key opinion leaders - focused on medical
This chapter highlights how Facebook can enable researchers to understand their audiences, why people choose to share content with friends and family and what that means for the kind of health content that works on Facebook. As the primary case study, the chapter describes an online graphic novel about depression called the Black Dog. The chapter highlights research that revealed three key insights on why people share entertainment-education campaigns like the Black Dog on social media. There are three primary reasons that people share content on Facebook: (1) to define who they are, (2) to be of value to their friends, and (3) to make a positive difference in their community or the world.
this study presents a measurement instrument for evaluating susceptibility to seven social influence principles, namely social learning, social comparison, social norms, social facilitation, social cooperation, social competition, and social recognition. Each principle is represented by a construct containing six theory-driven items, both positively and negatively framed. Further, the study introduces a social influence research model that describes how the seven social influence constructs are correlated and impact each other.
Mutually-Assured Non-Complacency (MANC) Introducing MANC, a system that helps you achieve your goals. Plainly, MANC is a system that uses the people closest to you to assure that you don’t fall into status quo ruts. It’s Mutually-Assured Non-Complacency. How does it work? First, you define the new desired personal behavior (a.k.a. your goal). Then, you put in a system to achieve it (a.k.a. accountability system). This system gives your friends and family a role in your success. So you think you can MANC? The worksheet gives you the recipe. The videos give you the motivation to start today.
Method:Three participatory workshops were held with the independent Welsh residential decarbonisation advisory group(‘the Advisory Group’)to (1)maprelationships betweenactors, behavioursand influences onbehaviourwithin thehome retrofitsystem,(2)provide training in the Behaviour Change Wheel framework(3)use these to developpolicy recommendationsfor interventions. Recommendations were analysed usingthe COM-B (capability, opportunity, motivation) model of behaviourtoassesswhether they addressed these factors. Results:Twobehavioural systems mapswere produced,representing privately rented and owner-occupied housing tenures. The main causal pathways and feedback loops in each map are described.
A critical thinking approach to identifying how we fall prey to the psychologically exploitative strategies being used by some content creators on LinkedIn and other social media
Companies should experiment with interactive social media content types, include relevant calls to action in posts, and avoid posting too frequently.
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a measurement instrument for evaluating susceptibility to seven social influence principles, namely social learning, social comparison, social norms, social facilitation, social cooperation, social competition, and social recognition
A Field Guide to “Fake News” and Other Information Disorders explores the use of digital methods to study false viral news, political memes, trolling practices and their social life online. It responds to an increasing demand for understanding the interplay between digital platforms, misleading information, propaganda and viral content practices, and their influence on politics and public life in democratic societies.
New research suggests that employees with a diverse Twitter network — one that exposes them to people and ideas they don’t already know — tend to generate better ideas.