
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/866456_3] - - public:weinreich
health_communication, target_audience - 2 | id:76327 -

One author has developed a practical approach to categorizing vaccine-hesitant parents into five groups, depending on the source and strength of their vaccine beliefs[9]: "Uninformed but educable" parents have been influenced by friends and relatives who have planted doubts about the safety of vaccines. They are unsure whether these messages are accurate and seek correct information and reassurance. "Misinformed but correctable" parents have heard only antivaccine messages, predominantly from media sources. They are open to provaccine messages and accurate information. "Well-read and open-minded" parents have researched pro- and antivaccine messages. They seek advice from a healthcare provider to assess the merits of the arguments and put them in a proper context. "Convinced and contented" parents have strong antivaccine views and go to the provider, sometimes owing to pressure from a family member, to listen to the other side of the argument. Although this group may change their attitudes over time, the chances of complete success are low. "Committed and missionary" parents hold firmly entrenched antivaccine views and may try and convince the provider to agree with them.

[http://e360.yale.edu/feature/how_the_attack_on_science_is_becoming_global_contagion/3039/] - - public:weinreich
health_communication - 1 | id:76362 -

Assaults on the science behind climate change research and conservation policies are spreading from the U.S. to Europe and beyond. If this wave of “post-fact” thinking triumphs, the world will face a future dominated by pure ideology.

[http://journals.lww.com/jaids/Fulltext/2014/08151/Effectiveness_of_Mass_Media_Interventions_for_HIV.13.aspx] - - public:weinreich
campaign_effects, evaluation, health_communication, HIV_AIDS, social_marketing - 5 | id:76478 -

Increases in condom use were larger for longer campaigns and in nations that scored lower on the human development index. Increases in transmission knowledge were larger to the extent that respondents reported greater campaign exposure, for more recent campaigns, and for nations that scored lower on the human development index.

[https://www.bond.org.uk/resources/narrative-project-user-guide] - - public:weinreich
health_communication, international, storytelling - 3 | id:76557 -

Earlier this year, a group of organisations who work together on global equity issues asked a question: can the public conversation about global development be changed to foster a more positive understanding of the issues? To find a new approach, these organisations created The Narrative Project: a research and communications effort focused on changing the development narrative in the United Kingdom, United States, France and Germany. The user guide is designed to be an informative tool for communicators and advocates who want to apply The Narrative Project approach to their own messages and content.

[http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/01/26/reducing-preventable-harm-in-hospitals/?smid=tw-share] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, health_communication - 3 | id:76594 -

"So the big question is: How can health systems be made safer when success means changing the attitudes and habits of health care professionals at a time when many are overwhelmed and deeply frustrated by all of the demands being made on them? What does it take to get them to embrace, with urgency, new ways of working?"

[http://www.narrativemedicine.org/index.html] - - public:weinreich
health_communication, storytelling - 2 | id:76601 -

"THE LEADER IN NARRATIVE BEST PRACTICES AND TEAM-BASED HEALTHCARE PROGRAMS Narrative Medicine fortifies clinical practice with the narrative competence to recognize, absorb, metabolize, interpret, and be moved by the stories of illness. Through narrative training, the Program in Narrative Medicine helps physicians, nurses, social workers, mental health professionals, chaplains, social workers, academics, and all those interested in the intersection between narrative and medicine improve the effectiveness of care by developing these skills with patients and colleagues. Our research and outreach missions are conceptualizing, evaluating, and spear-heading these ideas and practices nationally and internationally."

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