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[https://www.research-live.com/article/opinion/new-frontiers-the-holistic-impacts-of-nudging/id/5062152] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, ethics - 3 | id:1489641 -

Over the past decade, behavioural scientists have identified five different holistic effects which can all impact on the overall effectiveness of a behaviour change intervention. Some of these effects or concepts can be positive, whereas others may end up neutralising the effect of any nudge, or worse, having a negative impact: Licensing effects Compensating effects Positive spillover effects Displacement effects Systemic effects or what we are calling ‘nudge fatigue’

[https://theconversation.com/decades-of-public-messages-about-recycling-in-the-us-have-crowded-out-more-sustainable-ways-to-manage-waste-208924?mc_cid=1d81d48831&mc_eid=e03d1c3a8e] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, campaign_effects, environment, ethics - 4 | id:1484421 -

Our results show that a decadeslong effort to educate the U.S. public about recycling has succeeded in some ways but failed in others. These efforts have made recycling an option that consumers see as important – but to the detriment of more sustainable options. And it has not made people more effective recyclers.

[https://lithub.com/against-copyediting-is-it-time-to-abolish-the-department-of-corrections/] - - public:weinreich
ethics, inspiration, storytelling - 3 | id:1484401 -

Could there be another way to practice copyediting—less attached to precedent, less perseverating, and more eagerly transgressive; a practice that, to distinguish itself from the quietly violent tradition from which it arises, might not be called “copyediting” at all; a practice that would not only “permit” but amplify the potential for linguistic invention and preservation in any written work?

[https://www.oecd.org/gov/regulatory-policy/BASIC-Toolkit-web.pdf] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, ethics, how_to - 3 | id:1484400 -

The toolkit presented here guides the policy maker through a methodology that looks at Behaviours, Analysis, Strategies, Interventions, and Change (abbreviated “BASIC”). It starts with a BASIC guide that serves as an indispensable and practical introduction to the BASIC manual.

[https://www.insidehook.com/daily_brief/health-and-fitness/what-is-nocebo-effect-fitness-tracking/amp] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, ethics - 3 | id:1484395 -

But this deluge of information — in which you are naturally very invested — can also prove overwhelming and unhelpful. We’re big fans of brands like WHOOP and Oura, and regularly encourage readers to dig through Apple’s Health app…but you need to be honest with yourself. If fitness tracking is psychologically increasing your feelings of inadequacy and physically increasing your perception of pain, it’s not worth it. At the least, it’s going to torpedo your performance (at work, in workouts, etc.)

[https://www.charityright.org.uk/blog/post/AI%20vs%20Team:%20A%20Deep%20Dive%20into%20Whose%20Photography%20Works%20Best?utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin&utm_campaign=AIvsPhoto&utm_content=31_05_2026] - - public:weinreich
ethics, graphic_design, nonprofit - 3 | id:1461439 -

The A/B test we carried out on Reddit provided valuable insights into the effectiveness of our AI vs team photographs. The results demonstrated that while AI-generated images attracted attention, our team photographs still had a significant impact on audience engagement and clicks.

[https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0267257X.2022.2131058] - - public:weinreich
ethics, social_marketing, theory - 3 | id:1461409 -

To this end, we acknowledge the extant criticisms of social marketing – for being unethical (Laczniak & Michie, Citation1979), lacking reflexivity (Tadajewski & Brownlie, Citation2008), being power agnostic (Brace-Govan, Citation2015), being neoliberally oriented (Moor, Citation2011), being culturally insensitive and imperialist (Pfeiffer, Citation2004), being pseudo-participatory (Tadajewski et al., Citation2014) and for responsibilising the individual (Crawshaw, Citation2012). Accordingly, we recognise that social marketing needs the resources and repertoires available to appropriately respond to the current challenges and to critique. We argue that key pillars to this response are the adoption of a more critical research agenda (Gordon, Citation2018), a broader theoretical base, and a commitment to careful reflexivity, each of which are commitments of CSM. This special section of the Journal of Marketing Management on ‘Critical Social Marketing: Towards Emancipation’ provides the space to grapple with extant and emergent critique within the contextual challenges of our time, and to collectively contribute to the development of CSM and its future agenda.

[https://twitter.com/EvershedJo/status/1526866665597718528] - - public:weinreich
ethics, quantitative, research - 3 | id:1287260 -

With this thread, you’ll learn 9 lessons: 1. The Data Quality Framework 2. The Participant Relationship 3. Perfect introductions 4. Instructions that work 5. Helpful signposting 6. An enjoyable experience 7. Getting feedback 8. Progressive piloting 9. Types of quality control

[https://www.nngroup.com/articles/antipersonas-what-how/?utm_source=Alertbox&utm_campaign=272d971a00-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_11_12_08_52_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_7f29a2b335-272d971a00-24361717] - - public:weinreich
ethics, strategy, target_audience - 3 | id:1276550 -

Usually, creating an antipersona makes sense if your product or service: deals with sensitive information that, if inadvertently exposed, can threaten the users’ or organization wellbeing (e.g., fraud, identity theft, harassment, disinformation, illegal content) poses potential physical or emotional threats to people (e.g., injury, or death as the direct result of misusing the product). If there is an opportunity for these harms to occur as the direct result of anyone using the product, there should be one or more antipersonas to represent the risk. Always balance the chance of such a misuse with its consequences in order to determine if an antipersona is worth creating. Even a misuse that is very unlikely to happen might be worth of an antipersona if its consequences are extreme.

[https://unintendedconsequenc.es/narrative-capture/?utm_source=Unintended+Consequences+mailing+list&utm_campaign=2e028c9aa8-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_91b919183c-2e028c9aa8-1342254718] - - public:weinreich
ethics, media_advocacy, policy, storytelling - 4 | id:924414 -

Narrative capture is when an industry, company, or group changes the common narrative for their benefit, even if that just means changing the status quo. What are our baseline expectations? What is acceptable behavior? What is the way we measure fairness? What should we complain about? As expected, narrative capture is different. Here are some of its forms.

[https://behavioralscientist.org/broadening-the-nature-of-behavioral-design/] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, ethics, strategy - 3 | id:802630 -

To solve problems and suggest solutions on behalf of others is to have power. As a result, we behavioral scientists have a heightened responsibility: Being in this privileged position requires recognizing when and where assumptions about “what good looks like” might creep in. When we design interventions—even just determining what options are available, or what the default choice should be—we shape other peoples’ experiences in ways we may not always fully appreciate. And our decisions to address certain problems while leaving others aside implicitly declares what challenges, and audiences, we think are worthy of receiving attention.

[https://peoplescience.maritz.com/Articles/2020/Its-My-Life] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, ethics - 3 | id:744524 -

The following is from Dr. Bucher’s forthcoming book, Engaged: Designing for Behavior Change. I chose this section because it touches upon a PeopleScience theme: being successful and effective behavioral practitioners while also, and primarily, being good.

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Kxbg4zvfdc] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, ethics - 3 | id:683967 -

In this presentation Liz Barnes, Vice Chair of the CIM Charity and Social Marketing Group, will discuss which tactics we should be worried about, which techniques might be considered unethical and ways we can influence and persuade with integrity.

[https://cennydd.com/blog/responsible-design-a-process-attempt] - - public:weinreich
ethics, management, product - 3 | id:573792 -

The most common question I get on responsible design: ‘How do I actually embed ethical considerations into our innovation process?’ (They don’t actually phrase it like that, but you know… trying to be concise.) Although I don’t love cramming a multifaceted field like ethics into a linear diagram, it’s helpful to show a simple process map. So here’s my attempt.

[https://www.artefactgroup.com/case-studies/the-tarot-cards-of-tech/] - - public:weinreich
ethics, product, technology - 3 | id:573791 -

Artefact is proud to introduce The Tarot Cards of Tech: a tool to inspire important conversations around the true impact of technology and the products we design. The Tarot Cards of Tech encourage creators to think about the outcomes technology can create, from unintended consequences to opportunities for positive change. The cards are our way of helping you gaze into the future to determine how to make your product the best it can be.

[https://www.tech-transformed.com/product-development/] - - public:weinreich
ethics, how_to, management, product - 4 | id:488643 -

Consequence Scanning – an agile practice for Responsible Innovators A timely new business practice; Consequence Scanning fits alongside other agile practices in an iterative development cycle. This is a dedicated time and process for considering the potential consequences of what you’re creating

[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1clGjGABB2h2qbduTgfqribHmog9B6P0NvMgVuiHZCl8/mobilebasic?fbclid=IwAR2CvGMxxgs8GV9ACTquyG0TRAc_0XB6Tolf4FHnW-wCQ_ADZhqtx5pGZVg] - - public:weinreich
ethics, research - 2 | id:309996 -

Isolation measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 means that social researchers who have for doing fieldwork in a pandemic - specifically, ideas for avoiding in-person interactions by using mediated forms that will achieve similar ends. Social research has been conducted online for many years, of course. There are many examples of using online survey tools or doing content analyses or ethnographies using existing online interactions as research materials. Interviews have been conducted by phone or Skype for a long time. This document was initially directed at ways for how to turn fieldwork that was initially planned as using face-to-face methods into a more ‘hands-off’ mode. However, people have added useful material about ‘born digital’ research (content already generated on the internet by online interactions), which provides an alternative source of social research materials if researchers decide to go down that path.

[https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/behavioural-public-policy/article/nudge-forgood/06BC9E9032521954E8325798390A998A] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, ethics - 3 | id:279117 -

Insights from the behavioural sciences are increasingly used by governments and other organizations worldwide to ‘nudge’ people to make better decisions. Furthermore, a large philosophical literature has emerged on the ethical considerations on nudging human behaviour that has presented key challenges for the area, but is regularly omitted from discussion of policy design and administration. We present and discuss FORGOOD, an ethics framework that synthesizes the debate on the ethics of nudging in a memorable mnemonic. It suggests that nudgers should consider seven core ethical dimensions: Fairness, Openness, Respect, Goals, Opinions, Options and Delegation. The framework is designed to capture the key considerations in the philosophical debate about nudging human behaviour, while also being accessible for use in a range of public policy settings, as well as training.

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