
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[https://www.jmir.org/2021/1/e18462] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, how_to, management, research, sample_campaigns - 6 | id:1492773 -

The first objective was to provide an overview of all activities that were employed during the course of a research project to develop a relapse prevention intervention for interdisciplinary pain treatment programs. The second objective was to examine how co-design may contribute to stakeholder involvement, generation of relevant insights and ideas, and incorporation of stakeholder input into the intervention design.

[https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/about/press/pr2023/health-department-launches-first-public-health-vending-machine.page] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, place, price, sample_campaigns - 4 | id:1461411 -

S:US will oversee the vending machine’s operation at 1676 Broadway in Brooklyn, outside of a supportive housing facility run by the organization. The machine will stock a variety of health and wellness supplies, such as naloxone (Narcan®), hygiene kits, and safer sex kits. S:US will restock the machine and include items that meet the needs of the local community alongside harm reduction supplies.

[https://www.anz.co.nz/banking-with-anz/banking-safely/banking-safely-screen-savers/] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, sample_campaigns, target_audience - 3 | id:1420341 -

Photos they want with advice they need More than half of Kiwis over 65 have encountered a scam in the last 12 months. Help keep your loved ones safe from scammers by creating a Screen Saver with handy banking safely tips for them. Take a photo of your kids holding a sign with one of our tips, and apply it to the wallpaper on their device so they have photos they want with advice they need. It’s a fun and effective way for you and your kids to fight scams together.

[https://www.ogilvy.com/ideas/behavioral-science-annual-2022] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, sample_campaigns - 2 | id:1287034 -

We’re delighted to invite you to download the latest version of the Behavioral Science Annual – a collection of case studies filled with social interventions and applied behavioral science. This year the Annual is truly global, meaning you’ll find a whole collection of international cases, from: Tackling childhood malnourishment in Andean communities Incentivizing COVID-19 vaccination among Chicago youth Reducing drink driving on Australian country roads Creating the habit of hand washing with soap in rural Indian schools Addressing the high drop-off rates of stem-cell donors Preventing hidden hunger in West African countries Reducing food waste by redesigning bread packaging Giving new life to the end slices of a loaf Making the health benefits of Yogurt+ attractive and understandable Fighting night crime in Melbourne’s darkest streets Tackling overcrowding in French train stations Reducing waste being dumped outside of bins in London’s borough of Westminster

[https://behavioralscientist.org/dan-heath-iceland-drinking-to-solve-problems-before-they-happen-you-need-to-unite-the-right-people-upstream/] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, campaign_effects, product, sample_campaigns, social_marketing, social_norms, substance_abuse, youth - 8 | id:1276590 -

Iceland went from 42% of its 15 and 16 year olds having been drunk in the past month in 1998 to only 5% in 2018. This change is a great case study in offering alternative behaviors and shifting social norms on a national scale.

[https://twitter.com/bbcmaIND/status/1550480786876469248] - - public:weinreich
entertainment_education, environment, international, sample_campaigns, video - 5 | id:1221873 -

If you knew that Bengaluru’s informal waste pickers stopped over 38 crores kilograms of waste from reaching the landfills every year so the waste could be recycled, wouldn’t you feel like making song to celebrate it? We already did! #InvaluableRecyclers

[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468266721002796] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, campaign_effects, sample_campaigns - 3 | id:1098232 -

In our study, no evidence was found for a protective effect of the most common UK safer gambling message. Alternative interventions should be considered as part of an evidence-based public health approach to reducing gambling-related harm.

[https://behaviorchangeimpact.org/] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, bibliography, campaign_effects, evaluation, sample_campaigns - 5 | id:1074480 -

Research consistently shows evidence-based social and behavior change (SBC) programs can increase knowledge, shift attitudes and norms and produce changes in a wide variety of behaviors. SBC has proven effective in several health areas, such as increasing the uptake of family planning methods, condom use for HIV prevention, and care-seeking for malaria. Between 2017 and 2019, a series of comprehensive literature reviews were conducted to consolidate evidence that shows the positive impact of SBC interventions on behavioral outcomes related to family planning, HIV, malaria, reproductive empowerment, and the reproductive health of urban youth in low- and middle-income countries. The result is five health area-specific databases that support evidence-based SBC. The databases are searchable by keyword, country, study design, intervention and behavior. The databases extract intervention details, research methodologies and results to facilitate searching. For each of the five health areas, a “Featured Evidence” section highlights a list of key articles demonstrating impact.

[https://www.danielnettle.org.uk/2022/03/28/breaking-cover-on-the-watching-eyes-effect/] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, campaign_effects, sample_campaigns - 3 | id:1064140 -

In our coffee room experiment, we found that contributions to an honesty box for paying for coffee substantially increased when we stuck photocopied images of eyes on the wall in the coffee corner, compared to when we stuck images of flowers on the wall. This makes the point that people are generally nicer, more cooperative, more ethical, when they believe they are being watched, a point that I believe, in general terms, to be true.

[https://www.jmir.org/2022/1/e29969?fbclid=IwAR2pZRebpHzYzAjQstQX7ItXpY2_n-tiDDolxfLpccsr0BAR2nPhkrKxvnk] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, international, sample_campaigns, technology, youth - 5 | id:1029693 -

Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI)–driven apps for health education and promotion can help in the accomplishment of several United Nations sustainable development goals. SnehAI, developed by the Population Foundation of India, is the first Hinglish (Hindi + English) AI chatbot, deliberately designed for social and behavioral changes in India. It provides a private, nonjudgmental, and safe space to spur conversations about taboo topics (such as safe sex and family planning) and offers accurate, relatable, and trustworthy information and resources.

[https://www.npr.org/2022/01/22/1074721420/5-tips-for-talking-with-vaccine-doubters?utm_campaign=storyshare&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&fbclid=IwAR2IV_V49b2ZCkt9OTxhtAGwE_HoAZDs79eRF0U1q7VqS6-l0kxRG7F3YDU] - - public:weinreich
health_communication, sample_campaigns, social_norms, word_of_mouth - 4 | id:1021903 -

So Limaye and Johns Hopkins have created a free two-hour course on the online platform Coursera that's open to anyone. It's called COVID Vaccine Ambassador Training: How to Talk to Parents. Their goal is to prepare everyone, from principals to PTA presidents, to counter misinformation with empathy and, ultimately, to move more people to seek out the lifesaving vaccine.

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMLoYpy_HFw] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, international, place, policy, sample_campaigns, social_change, strategy, target_audience - 8 | id:1021804 -

In 2010, Colombia's defense minister contacted an ad agency to create an idea to demobilize FARC members, the oldest guerrilla army in Latin America. The agency, after spending over a year talking to nearly 100 of its members, learned two main things (1). -First, guerrilla members are ordinary men and women and not only guerrillas, a fact which is often forgotten after 60 years at war. -Secondly, they are more likely to demobilize during Christmas as it is a sensitive and emotional period. Based on these insights, they had a clever idea to put a Christmas tree in strategic walking paths in the middle of the jungle that would light up when someone passed by with a message promoting demobilization. The results? Three hundred thirty-one people who demobilized named this idea as one of the reasons to do so. Over the years, several campaigns from the same agency were quite successful, and overall, they were named in over 800 demobilizations. Causality, of course, cannot be established. Nevertheless, any measurable, non-violent efforts like this one are praised. Next time you think you have a difficult-to-reach customer, maybe think again!

[https://www.ygetit.org/tested-comic?fbclid=IwAR2FufrNANh04ViYqPhKXwxRPZy0AP5xwOZhHPt2BqwG6hldBfCuGW1iQ0A] - - public:weinreich
entertainment_education, health_communication, HIV_AIDS, mental_health, sample_campaigns, storytelling, substance_abuse - 7 | id:1010736 -

Tested is an award-winning comic book that features diverse characters affected by a broad range of health conditions and related social issues. With a touch of heart and humor, 'Tested' depicts a diverse cast of characters affected by stigma, HIV, STIs, substance use, LGBTQ+ issues, and much more.

[https://www.professionalsecurity.co.uk/news/commercial-security/anti-loan-fee-fraud-jingle/] - - public:weinreich
advertising, behavior_change, entertainment_education, sample_campaigns - 4 | id:964564 -

The UK regulator the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has launched the country’s first official anti-fraud jingle. The aim; to protect consumers against loan fee fraud. Between November 2020 and January 2021, some one in 20 calls received by the FCA were reporting an instance of loan fee fraud. The FCA’s anti-fraud jingle is designed to be a light-hearted, engaging way to spread awareness of loan fee fraud advice to consumers over Christmas. Loan fee fraud is when consumers are asked to pay an upfront fee for a loan or credit that they then never receive. With behavioural scientists INFLUENCE AT WORK and music production company Soviet Science, the song has been produced make loan fee fraud guidance more memorable and more shareable.

[https://insidebe.com/articles/how-single-question-increased-adobe-retention/] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, sample_campaigns - 3 | id:742077 -

Key Takeaways When customers want to leave, don’t ask why. Shift their attention to why they committed to your product or service in the first place. Instead citing reasons for leaving back to you, they’ll need to recall all the benefits they could lose if they chose to leave. Don’t underestimate the power of opportunity and impact of the environment on behaviors. Keep in mind that preparation meets opportunity. Do your people have all the tools to commit to change? Do they understand and know what to do each step of the way? If not, they are unlikely to change their behavior. Allow people who will be using the new solution to co-create it. This way, implementing change will be much easier. It’s easier to toss aside talking points someone else has created, but not those you came up with - they seem much more valuable thanks to the IKEA effect.

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