
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[https://drkatewolin.substack.com/p/picking-the-right-message] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, health_communication, mobile, place, technology - 5 | id:1492624 -

This highlights some really important things to consider in creating behavior change interventions - there isn't one “user journey“ - as Amy said many times, personalization will matter (and we can have a whole other conversation on what personalization means). There may be a “dose“ effect for some people where they need to accumulate a certain understanding before any message works and it is more about the dose than the personalization (or not) of the most proximal message.

[https://garden.zendesk.com/content/voice-and-tone] - - public:weinreich
branding, design, mobile - 3 | id:1492348 -

How to sound like Zendesk Our product is an extension of our brand and we want it to feel like Zendesk. We use visual design to shape what Zendesk looks like, and voice and tone to shape what Zendesk sounds like.

[https://viamo.io/ask-viamo-anything-ai/] - - public:weinreich
health_communication, international, mobile, technology - 4 | id:1492161 -

Our latest capability “Ask Viamo Anything” is providing access to the latest AI technology to the digitally disconnected – at no cost to them. It was built and will soon be offered on the Viamo Platform. Ask Viamo Anything works on simple mobile phones without internet access. And because of its use of voice technology, it can even be used by people with low literacy — leapfrogging text-based approaches and truly democratizing access.

[https://pure-oai.bham.ac.uk/ws/files/29196179/Mehrotra_2016_CHI.pdf] - - public:weinreich
mobile, place, technology - 3 | id:1492100 -

Notifications are extremely beneficial to users, but they often demand their attention at inappropriate moments. In this paper we present an in-situ study of mobile interruptibility focusing on the effect of cognitive and physical factors on the response time and the disruption perceived from a notification. Through a mixed method of automated smartphone logging and experience sampling we collected 10372 in-thewild notifications and 474 questionnaire responses on notification perception from 20 users. We found that the response time and the perceived disruption from a notification can be influenced by its presentation, alert type, sender-recipient relationship as well as the type, completion level and complexity of the task in which the user is engaged. We found that even a notification that contains important or useful content can cause disruption. Finally, we observe the substantial role of the psychological traits of the individuals on the response time and the disruption perceived from a notification.

[https://mhealth.jmir.org/2018/3/e53/] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, mobile - 3 | id:1490926 -

Out of the 93 behavior change techniques that can be used, on average only 7 were chosen, and the most common were related to: 1. Feedback on behavior 2. Goal setting 3. Action planning As the study says: “within the “Goals and Planning” BCT group, only 3 out of 9 BCTs were utilized.

[https://www.cogniss.com/] - - public:weinreich
mobile, technology - 2 | id:1484394 -

Create powerful digital health apps. Without code. Cogniss is a no-code ecosystem to develop sophisticated consumer and patient-facing digital health solutions (native iOS, native Android & Web) – digital therapeutics, real-world evidence tools, research apps & more.

[https://caseorganic.medium.com/sit-siri-designing-our-tech-to-have-good-etiquette-c64bc7c6a94a] - - public:weinreich
design, mobile, technology - 3 | id:1483921 -

Etiquette by definition is about graceful relationships between different kinds of people. Good design is about designing calm relationships between technology and people. So we should expect our products to practice proper etiquette. As designers, we should create experiences with that etiquette in mind.

[https://mhealth.jmir.org/2020/10/e19280] - - public:weinreich
design, gaming, mobile, technology - 4 | id:1287031 -

Eight archetypes of gamification emerged from the analysis of health-related mobile apps: (1) competition and collaboration, (2) pursuing self-set goals without rewards, (3) episodical compliance tracking, (4) inherent gamification for external goals, (5) internal rewards for self-set goals, (6) continuous assistance through positive reinforcement, (7) positive and negative reinforcement without rewards, and (8) progressive gamification for health professionals. The results indicate a close relationship between the identified archetypes and the actual health behavior that is being targeted.

[https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/19/15/9129/htm] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, mobile, social_media, technology - 4 | id:1257483 -

Digital media are omnipresent in modern life, but the science on the impact of digital media on behavior is still in its infancy. There is an emerging evidence base of how to use digital media for behavior change. Strategies to change behavior implemented using digital technology have included a variety of platforms and program strategies, all of which are potentially more effective with increased frequency, intensity, interactivity, and feedback. It is critical to accelerate the pace of research on digital platforms, including social media, to understand and address its effects on human behavior. The purpose of the current paper is to provide an overview and describe methods in this emerging field, present use cases, describe a future agenda, and raise central questions to be addressed in future digital health research for behavior change. Digital media for behavior change employs three main methods: (1) digital media interventions, (2) formative research using digital media, and (3) digital media used to conduct evaluations. We examine use cases across several content areas including healthy weight management, tobacco control, and vaccination uptake, to describe and illustrate the methods and potential impact of this emerging field of study. In the discussion, we note that digital media interventions need to explore the full range of functionality of digital devices and their near-constant role in personal self-management and day-to-day living to maximize opportunities for behavior change. Future experimental research should rigorously examine the effects of variable levels of engagement with, and frequency and intensity of exposure to, multiple forms of digital media for behavior change.

[https://economics.mit.edu/files/22355] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, campaign_effects, mental_health, mobile, technology - 5 | id:1022129 -

Emotions and worries can reduce individuals’ available attention and affect economic decisions. In a four-week experiment with 2,384 US adults, offering free access to a popular mindfulness meditation app (Headspace) that costs $13 per month improves mental health, productivity and decisionmaking. First, it causes a 0.44 standard deviation reduction in symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression, comparable to the impacts of expensive in-person therapy, with improvements even among participants with minimal or mild symptoms at baseline. Second, it increases earnings on a proofreading task by 1.9 percent. Third, it makes decision-making more stable across emotional states, reducing the interference of personal worries with risk choices. Overall, our results demonstrate the potential of affordable mindfulness meditation apps to improve mental health, productivity, and the impact of emotions on economic decisions.

[https://uxdesign.cc/designing-better-links-for-websites-and-emails-a-guideline-5b8638ce675a] - - public:weinreich
design, health_communication, how_to, mobile, online_marketing, technology - 6 | id:964506 -

Why are “click here” and “by this link” poor choices? And is it acceptable to use “read more”? In this article, I’ll explain popular wording and formatting mistakes and will show more accessible and informative alternatives.

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