website where you can input user data - salary, expenses etc
Such prompts for further thought are not analogies. When we think in terms of analogies, we get stuck on the differences, and those sticking points then becomes an excuse not to think historically at all.
Describes all Fediverse services.
Architecture advantages and disadvantages of (effecively) centralized protocol like Bluesky/ATProto vs decentralized message-passing Mastodon/ActivityPub
Architecture advantages and disadvantages of (effecively) centralized protocol like Bluesky/ATProto vs decentralized message-passing Mastodon/ActivityPub
Core documentation for Fediverse bridging (bluesky, web, etc)
Describes upgrade from tumbleweed to slowroll
Vapor: wider toe box and a narrow V-fit at the heel = tapered fit, lock the heel. Supreme: close to the foot around entire foot = reduce empty space with the boot. Nexus: wide volume fit from toe to heel = wider, more comfortable feel. Maybe I need Vapor??
Great dashnoard for investment and earnings news
Live stream of all German channels - only those with subtitles. Use 'live' to see all live channgels. Some not allowed in my region
Use them to test. Submit sample in 2 ziplock bags by padded mail envelope.
Use this to install ROCm on Tumbleweed. Does NOT talk about Pytorch, the tag is for completeness.
They describe using Bell-Theorem-like inequality to refute a real-numbers-only quantum theory is equivalent to imaginary-numbers quantum theory
$249, at Canadacomputers, they also have open box for $224. BUY THIS, NOT THE AMD Ryzen 5 5600GT(VEGA7), BECAUSE THIS HAS VEGA8, FASTER THAN VEGA7, AND SAME AS VEGA8 ON LAPTOP 2500U.
Install Pytorch on ROCm from AMD git repo. TRY THIS!!!
Database of AMD GPUs. Here we can see that 2500U is Vega 8 mobile , which is GCN 5.0. This is only supported in ROCm up to 4.5.2!!
Installing PyTorch for ROCm - this document claims gfx900 compatibility
Suggested git-build of pytorch on gfx90c FAILED for me
Excellent document about BERT transformers / models and their parameters: - L=number of layers. - H=size of the hidden layer = number of vectors for each word in the sentence. - A = Number of self-attention heads - Total parameters.
Top of the guide describing ROCm on Linux. There are 2 core approaches: Using RPM (Package manager), or using AMD installer. I should use Package manager. Also single-version vs. multi-version. I should use single-version, latest.