Gamedev.js Survey 2024 Report [] - 2025-02-06 17:29:28 - public:xxx 2024, development, gamedev, games, programming, results, survey - 7 | id:1514640 -
OpenFreeMap [] - 2024-10-04 07:58:51 - public:xxx development, free, library, map, maps, open, webdev - 7 | id:1506828 -
How to make complex Chrome extensions: a zero gravity guide—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog [] - 2024-07-19 14:15:11 - public:xxx chrome, development, extension, javascript, js - 5 | id:1492567 -
Online compiler for C, C++, Java, Python, React, Node.js and more [] - 2024-05-09 17:35:17 - public:xxx code, compiler, development, online, programming - 5 | id:1491431 -
Difftastic, a structural diff - compare code with sysntax aware [] - 2024-04-18 15:27:32 - public:xxx code, compare, development, diff, syntax - 5 | id:1490992 -
2D html javascript game engine [] - 2023-12-23 09:11:03 - public:xxx 2d, browser, development, engine, framework, games, javascript, web - 8 | id:1488917 -
Shlomi Boutnaru – Medium [] - 2023-02-26 19:54:33 - public:xxx books, boutnaru, code, development, medium, person, shlomi, tutorials - 8 | id:1364098 - - Next-Level Database Techniques for Developers Ebook [] - 2022-12-10 18:00:59 - public:xxx best-practice, bestpractices, book, code, development, free, sql - 7 | id:1294614 -
GitHub - wailsapp/wails: Create beautiful applications using Go [] - 2022-07-05 08:31:00 - public:xxx application, desktop, development, go, golang, native, programming, ui - 8 | id:1186448 -
PWA Resources, curated just for you. [] - 2022-03-25 18:51:10 - public:xxx code, development, learn, pwa, resources, webdev - 6 | id:1064102 -
How to design better APIs - best practice document [] - 2022-03-19 15:31:19 - public:xxx api, apis, bestpractices, code, design, development - 6 | id:1062408 -
Lapce - fast code editor [] - 2022-03-19 15:29:47 - public:xxx code, development, editor, fast, ide - 5 | id:1062407 -
PHP: The Right Way [] - 2022-02-11 16:46:42 - public:xxx code, development, learn, php, programming, webdev - 6 | id:1022024 -
tutorial_r_introduction/ at main · karoliskoncevicius/tutorial_r_introduction [] - 2022-02-11 16:27:43 - public:xxx code, development, introduction, R, tutorials - 5 | id:1022019 -
Push Notifications, WebXR, and better PWA support coming to iOS - [] - 2022-02-02 19:41:15 - public:xxx development, ios, javascript, js, pwa, support, webdev - 7 | id:1021840 -
How To Develop a Cryptocurrency - The Complete Guide (2022) [] - 2022-01-06 20:48:49 - public:xxx bitcoin, code, cryptocurrency, development, learn, tutorials - 6 | id:980520 -
Learn X in Y Minutes: Scenic Programming Language Tours [] - 2021-12-18 16:05:47 - public:xxx cheatsheet, code, courses, development, java, learn, programming, python, tutorials - 9 | id:964469 -
Welcome to Fleet! | JetBrains News [] - 2021-12-01 14:54:41 - public:xxx code, developer, development, editor, environment, fleet, ide, jetbrains, programming - 9 | id:958888 -
Get Started - default (Workspace) - Visual Studio Code [] - 2021-10-25 09:41:36 - public:xxx code, development, ide, online, programming, vscode - 6 | id:829986 -
Docs | [] - 2021-09-18 13:50:22 - public:xxx API, development, weather - 3 | id:793276 - Weather api
LÖVR [] - 2021-09-11 11:17:48 - public:xxx 3d, code, design, development, framework, graphics, language, programming - 8 | id:788330 - 3d framework language
Code House - Store House of 300+ Developer Cheatsheets [] - 2021-08-20 17:38:40 - public:xxx cheatsheet, code, development, lists, marketplace, programming - 6 | id:762679 -
The State of Developer Ecosystem in 2021 Infographic | JetBrains: Developer Tools for Professionals and Teams [] - 2021-08-08 16:44:21 - public:xxx code, coding, company, data, development, programming, state, statistics, survey - 9 | id:744686 -
Which Mobile App Development Framework Is Right For You? | by Sophia Martin | Aug, 2021 | JavaScript in Plain English [] - 2021-08-06 19:47:57 - public:xxx comparison, decision, development, frameworks, javascript, js, library, mobile, software - 9 | id:744675 -
Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021 [] - 2021-08-06 19:42:26 - public:xxx development, programming, stackoverflow, survey - 4 | id:744673 -
Refined Blog [] - 2021-07-30 20:29:56 - public:xxx blog, bloggers, blogs, coding, cyber, cybersecurity, development, hack, hacker, hacking, list, lists, programming, security, seo - 15 | id:744598 - List of programming blogs and bloggers
Code House - Store House of 300+ Developer Cheatsheets [] - 2021-07-16 19:37:26 - public:xxx cheatsheet, company, copycat, development, list, programming, repository, search - 8 | id:742010 - cheatsheets repository
Nyxt [] - 2021-05-21 18:06:20 - public:xxx browser, development, downloads, nyxt, program, programming, scripts - 7 | id:684091 - Programmable script browser nyxt
GitHub - lettier/3d-game-shaders-for-beginners: [] - 2021-05-06 16:18:29 - public:xxx book, development, gamedev, games, shaders - 5 | id:683885 -
Top Metrics You Need to Understand When Measuring Front-end Performance [] - 2021-05-06 09:58:08 - public:xxx css, development, html, performance, webdev, webdevelopment - 6 | id:683866 -
Open source, experimental, and tiny tools roundupOpen Source Tiny Tools [] - 2021-04-23 18:32:34 - public:xxx development, library, opensource, programming, tiny, tools - 6 | id:683508 -
Unpacking Interview Questions - Jacob Kaplan-Moss [] - 2021-02-26 17:55:42 - public:xxx development, interview, programming, questions, work - 5 | id:574013 -
Remote Work @ call a dev [] - 2021-02-26 17:45:41 - public:xxx code, competition, copycat, developer, development, help, hire, payments - 8 | id:574010 - Hire a developer to help you
Free for DevelopersFree for developers [] - 2021-02-26 17:42:48 - public:xxx api, apis, code, collection, development, free, list, lists, opensource - 9 | id:574009 - Collection list of free things for developers, from machines, books to APIs
10 Software Engineering Laws Everybody Loves to Ignore [] - 2021-02-26 16:56:25 - public:xxx code, development, engineering, funny, law, laws, software - 7 | id:574005 -
Progressive Web Apps in 2021 - [] - 2021-02-12 18:05:41 - public:xxx development, javascript, js, mobile, pwa, webdev - 6 | id:573803 -
Computer Graphics Basic from Scratch Online Book [] - 2021-02-04 18:16:01 - public:xxx book, books, code, development, downloads, gamedev, gameprogramming, games, graphics, online, programming - 11 | id:573693 -
State of JS 2020 [] - 2021-01-13 07:57:46 - public:xxx development, javascript, js, programming, results, survey, webdev, webdevelopment - 8 | id:485723 -
Hey API Listt - 1000+ APIs at one place [] - 2020-10-22 13:50:57 - public:xxx api, copycat, development, search, searchengine - 5 | id:426194 -
PWA Inside - Progressive web apps directory for PWA apps and articles [] - 2020-09-19 15:04:16 - public:xxx copycat, development, lists, mobile, programming, pwa, resources, webdev - 8 | id:385033 -
Fetch API Tutorial for Beginners: How to Use Fetch API [] - 2020-07-29 18:16:21 - public:xxx ajax, browser, development, fetch, javascript, js, learn, tutorial, webdev - 9 | id:363067 -
Find Open Source By Searching, Browsing and Combining 7,000 Topics [] - 2020-07-20 08:37:59 - public:xxx coding, development, library, linux, opensource - 5 | id:351451 - Open source libraries
What PWA Can Do Today [] - 2020-07-10 13:08:16 - public:xxx app, code, development, js, learn, mobile, programming, pwa, webdev - 9 | id:350989 -
Progressive Web Apps: Practical Usage Guide - DEV [] - 2020-07-05 15:14:16 - public:xxx application, apps, chrome, code, development, javascript, js, learn, pwa, tutorials - 10 | id:350916 -
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Software Folklore ― Andreas Zwinkau [] - 2020-05-08 15:52:33 - public:xxx bug, code, development, funny, story - 5 | id:310091 - Funny software bugs stories
Regular Expressions for Regular Folk | Regular Expressions for Regular Folk (REFRF) [] - 2020-05-08 15:48:49 - public:xxx book, development, learn, regex - 4 | id:310089 -
Caddy - The Ultimate Server with Automatic HTTPS [] - 2020-05-06 20:46:03 - public:xxx apache, caddy, development, https, local, nginx, security, ssl, tsl, webserver - 10 | id:310052 -
A small state-of-the-art study on custom engines [] - 2020-05-01 13:16:15 - public:xxx code, comparison, development, engine, games, library, lists - 7 | id:309922 - List of game engines comparison
Building Your First SaaS: The Ultimate Crash Course - YouTube [] - 2020-04-24 21:39:39 - public:xxx development, learn, marketing, saas, videos - 5 | id:309697 -