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[http://journals.lww.com/jaids/Fulltext/2014/08151/Effectiveness_of_Mass_Media_Interventions_for_HIV.13.aspx] - - public:weinreich
campaign_effects, evaluation, health_communication, HIV_AIDS, social_marketing - 5 | id:76478 -

Increases in condom use were larger for longer campaigns and in nations that scored lower on the human development index. Increases in transmission knowledge were larger to the extent that respondents reported greater campaign exposure, for more recent campaigns, and for nations that scored lower on the human development index.

[http://harmony-institute.org/blog/cases/impact-playbook/] - - public:weinreich
evaluation, storytelling - 2 | id:77206 -

a guide that synthesizes best practices for media makers to understand the impact of their work. The guide builds on existing impact frameworks with applied strategies, concrete metrics, and suggested workflows. Specifically designed for today’s networked, data-informed storytellers, the Impact Playbook demystifies data collection and analysis. It embeds impact thinking throughout a project’s lifecycle, from creation to outreach and engagement to empower media makers build this growing field.

[http://www.comminit.com/evidencesummit/category/sites/global/evidence-summit] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, campaign_effects, evaluation, sample_campaigns, social_change, social_marketing - 6 | id:77231 -

Supporting USAID's “renewed emphasis on the application of research and evaluation to inform strategic thinking about development for low- and middle-income countries with a focus on “achieving the social and behavior changes needed to end preventable child deaths and improve under five development“. All 1,313 papers identified can be accessed, searched and filtered to your interests

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