
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKP5hI2MhBI] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design - 2 | id:76302 -

Max Bazerman, co-director of the Center for Public Leadership; Odette van de Riet, Leader of BIT IenM, the Behavioral Insight Team of the Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment; and David Halpern, Chief Executive of the Behavioural Insights Team and Board Director of the Office of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, joined moderator Iris Bohnet, Professor of Public Policy at HKS and Director of the Women and Public Policy Program, and co-Director of the Behavioral Insights Group, in a conversation on behavioral insights. The panel discussed its experiences applying behavioral economics findings, such as "nudge" techniques, to issues of public interest.

[http://catalyst.nejm.org/applying-behavioral-insights-improve-health-care/] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design - 2 | id:76306 -

BIT uses a simple framework to apply behavioral science to policy: in order to encourage a behavior, make it Easy, Attractive, Social, and Timely (EAST). The sections below give some examples of how this framework can be applied to improve health and health care. Many of these initiatives were tested through low-cost randomized controlled trials; we believe that such trials could be used much more by health care providers and policymakers to improve their everyday activities.

[https://medium.com/vanmoof/our-secrets-out-f21c1f03fdc8#.t1e2ndt31] - - public:weinreich
design - 1 | id:76354 -

VanMoof bikes were tired of their bikes getting damaged during shipping. "Our co-founder Ties had a flash of genius. Our boxes are about the same size as a (really really reaaaally massive) flatscreen television. Flatscreen televisions always arrive in perfect condition. What if we just printed a flatscreen television on the side of our boxes?" And just like that, shipping damage to our bikes dropped by 70–80%.

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