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[https://theconversation.com/government-behavioural-economics-nudge-unit-needs-a-shove-in-a-new-direction-80390] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, ethics - 3 | id:76110 -

In that study, gender and ethnicity information was removed from descriptions of potential job candidates. It was a study designed to interrupt unconscious biases against women and ethnic minorities. The results were surprising - blind recruitment made things worse for women and members of ethnic minorities. These results illustrate the limits of behavioural economics in action.

[https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-utl/17rpirsbehavioralinsights.pdf] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, how_to - 3 | id:76146 -

This Behavioral Insights Toolkit was created as a practical resource for use by IRS employees and researchers seeking to incorporate Behavioral Insights into their work. This Toolkit describes the field of Behavioral Insights, its potential benefits, and how Behavioral Insights can be practically applied to serve taxpayers and help the IRS achieve its mission. It highlights examples of opportunity areas where Behavioral Insights has been applied both internally at the IRS and across the globe.

[http://comminit.com/global/content/behavioural-insights-united-nations-achieving-agenda-2030] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, international - 3 | id:76178 -

As noted here, common principles underlie and unify many key features of human behaviour. A quick guide - "SIMPLER" - articulates a set of common "nudges" that can be used to improve programme outcomes and efficiency: Social influence - e.g., persuade by referencing peers Implementation prompts - e.g., establish steps to desired action Mandated deadlines - e.g., make deadlines prominent Personalisation - e.g., use name, not generic greeting Loss aversion - e.g., emphasise losses, not just gains Ease - e.g., reduce steps in a process Reminders - e.g., use phone calls, texts, postcards

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