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[https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/02/27/why-facts-dont-change-our-minds] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, health_communication, social_change, social_norms - 4 | id:1484437 -

Mercier and Sperber prefer the term “myside bias.” Humans, they point out, aren’t randomly credulous. Presented with someone else’s argument, we’re quite adept at spotting the weaknesses. Almost invariably, the positions we’re blind about are our own.

[https://ssir.org/articles/entry/lessons_for_social_change_communications_strategy_from_the_us_marriage_equality_and_antismoking_campaigns] - - public:weinreich
health_communication, how_to, social_change, social_norms, tobacco - 5 | id:272045 -

Aspirational Communication, an approach that seeks to motivate and mobilize people to support a cause by connecting it to the audience’s aspirations for their own lives. I specifically suggest a six-step framework based on the approach that can help social movements to drive durable attitude change.

[https://narrativeinitiative.org/blog/explanation-how-narrative] - - public:weinreich
health_communication, how_to, social_change, storytelling - 4 | id:271989 -

Released in March as part of FrameWorks Institute’s 20th anniversary, the Explanation Declaration asks communicators to help people understand the “how” behind issues and see that how as a critical part of engaging and empowering people to take action.

[https://medium.com/bending-the-arc/the-science-of-belief-move-beyond-us-and-them-to-we-877a5d714a9c] - - public:weinreich
health_communication, social_change, storytelling - 3 | id:271901 -

News media often frame refugees as a burden or threat to a community, where humanitarian stories often frame refugees as helpless people in a far-off land in need of help. Both narratives — while sympathetic — consistently situate refugees as outsiders. Our job as communicators is to shift the narrative from “us” and “them” to “we.”

[https://ssir.org/articles/entry/six_ways_to_boost_public_support_for_prevention_based_policy] - - public:weinreich
health_communication, policy, social_change, strategy - 4 | id:266042 -

Addressing massive challenges like climate change and poverty requires that we take a long-term view and have a preventative mindset. Since these perspectives challenge the deeply ingrained ways we have evolved to think and behave, we need to pay attention to why prevention is hard to think about and navigate the cognitive road blocks that stand in the way of progress. By presenting issues and information in ways that unlock support for preventative approaches, we can galvanize the ideas and actions social and environmental change requires.

[http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/comt.12066/full] - - public:weinreich
health_communication, social_change - 2 | id:76808 -

Our analysis suggests that TED talks succeed in disseminating ideas and sparking public interest. At the same time, they reflect institutionalized, corporatized modes of mass communication rooted in elitist discourses and practices. Contrary to popular perceptions, we therefore conclude that while TED talks are an effective vehicle for information dissemination, they are an unlikely catalyst for social change.

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