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[https://www.reachsolutions.co.uk/sites/default/files/2019-07/The%20Empathy%20Delusion%20final.pdf] - - public:weinreich
advertising, ethics, marketing, target_audience - 4 | id:266000 -

To explore advertising and marketing’s capacity for empathy, we’ve turned to cutting edge moral psychology. In this white paper we are asking people working in the advertising and marketing industry to consider the deepest questions about their identity, ethics and morals.

[http://asburyandasbury.com/blog/2016/11/8/conversation-my-arse] - - public:weinreich
advertising, branding, marketing, product, social_media - 5 | id:229099 -

Andrex has become a great case study in modern marketing, because it represents the logical outcome of two dominant trends: the mission escalation trend and the conversation trend. Both are waves of brand thinking that have swept all before them in recent years, and it’s not exactly Andrex’s fault that they have been caught up in it. It’s just that the nature of their business means stretching both trends to breaking point. First, there’s the mission escalation trend. This is the homeopathy of marketing. It involves taking the functional purpose of any given product, diluting it to a slightly more abstract level, then diluting it again and repeating the process until you reach a level of abstraction so remote that any sense of specific purpose has been lost entirely. So if your product is a bar of chocolate, it’s not about giving people something chocolatey to eat, it’s about giving them a tasty treat. And it’s not about giving them a tasty treat, it’s about giving them a treat in a wider sense. And it’s not about the treat as such, but the enjoyment you get from that treat. And it’s not about the physical enjoyment, but the emotional enjoyment. And it’s not about the emotional enjoyment, but joy itself. And it’s not about experiencing joy, it’s about believing in joy. And now your brand purpose is more closely aligned to Buddhism than it is to chocolate.

[http://businessweek.com/bschools/content/sep2006/bs20060911_417513.htm?chan=top+news_top+news+index_b-schools] - - public:weinreich
advertising, marketing - 2 | id:79434 -

how a business major helped panhandlers market their requests

[https://www.dovenight.com/Main.asp?sBanner=none&sPage=none] - - public:weinreich
advertising, marketing, online_marketing, sample_campaigns, word_of_mouth - 5 | id:79536 -

This is a fun concept - Felicity Huffman is transported into 3 classic sitcoms: the Brady Bunch, the Munsters and Leave it to Beaver. Also, the very specific positioning of the product and cobranding with the National Sleep Foundation is interesting.

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