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[https://repo.radeon.com/amdgpu-install/] - - public:mzimmerm
amd, amdgpu, repo, rocm - 4 | id:1489975 -

Repo of rocm (amdgpu) packages from amd. The last version 4, 4.5.2 is under 21.40.2. Try to install with Kernel 5.4 (release 2020). Same packages under different old names are at https://repo.radeon.com/rocm/apt/

[https://huggingface.co/docs/optimum/index] - - public:mzimmerm
doc, ai, transformer, small, repo, optimum, model, llm, huggingface - 9 | id:1489894 -

Optimum is an extension of Transformers that provides a set of performance optimization tools to train and run models on targeted hardware with maximum efficiency. It is also the repository of small, mini, tiny models.

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