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Make it Toolkit - 15 Strategies
Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) in Mobile Health: Key Components and Design Principles for Ongoing Health Behavior Support | 10.1007/s12160-016-9830-8-Sci_hub
Understanding Users' True Motivations: A Guide to Motivational Interviewing (MI) in Product Design
“There’s something special about Behavioural Public Policy” or “There’s nothing special about Behavioural Public Policy” – Behavioural Public Policy Blog
Full article: The power and potential of Behavioural Design: practice, methodology, and ethics
Better Onboarding Through Behavioral Science
Better letters – evidence and considerations from the behavioural sciences
Time to Form a Habit: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Health Behaviour Habit Formation and Its Determinants
They collated 20 studies with 2,601 participants, studying the time it takes to turn new behaviours into automatic habits. ² The average time they reported? ➝ 106-154 days. With substantial variability, from 4-335 days. The time depended on factors like the: ↳ Type of habit ↳ Feelings about the habit ↳ Frequency performing the behaviour
Want fewer car accidents? Remove traffic signals and road signs - Big Think
drachten traffic experiment
Color Generator for webpage palette
What Top VCs ACTUALLY want to see in your PITCH DECK - YouTube
CHAPTERS 00:00 Introduction 00:20 Identify a subset of people who get it 00:54 1st Slide: What we do 01:34 2nd Slide: Our Insight 02:13 3rd Slide: Proof Points 02:45 Don't create a Frankendeck 03:30 Conclusion
Alt Text: What to Write
Systemic co-design - Learning for Sustainability
How to design equitable digital health tools: A narrative review of design tactics, case studies, and opportunities | PLOS Digital Health
This narrative review summarizes several health equity frameworks to help digital health practitioners conceptualize the equity dimensions of importance for their work, and then provides design approaches that accommodate an equity focus. Specifically, the Double Diamond Model, the IDEAS framework and toolkit, and community collaboration techniques such as participatory design are explored as mechanisms for practitioners to solicit input from members of underserved groups and better design digital health tools that serve their needs.
The National Park Service Goes From Paper to Pixels
“How do you design an app for 431 diverse national parks and monuments? By taking a page from iconic NPS park brochures. Learn how a small team adapted Massimo Vignelli’s seminal design system for a digital interface.“
5 Tips for Avoiding Confusing Category Names
Why Use 40 Participants in Quantitative UX Research? - YouTube
3:40 - 40 participants gives a 15% margin of error and 95% confidence level (binary metrics)
A meta-analytic cognitive framework of nudge and sludge | Royal Society Open Science
Here, we develop a novel cognitive framework by organizing these interventions along six cognitive processes: attention, perception, memory, effort, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. In addition, we conduct a meta-analysis of field experiments (i.e. randomized controlled trials) that contained real behavioural measures (n = 184 papers, k = 184 observations, N = 2 245 373 participants) from 2008 to 2021 to examine the effect size of these interventions targeting each cognitive process. Our findings demonstrate that interventions changing effort are more effective than interventions changing intrinsic motivation, and nudge and sludge interventions had similar effect sizes.
My Homelab Setup
I replaced my existing Homelab setup from the ground up with Unifi's latest Gateways, Switches APs, and Cameras. Here is what I did and how it ended up.
How People Feel about Progress: Metrics That Drive User Behavior | by Jared Peterson | Sep, 2024 | Product Coalition
What did patients text us when we didn’t ask them to tell us anything?
An in-depth analysis of replies to COVID-19 vaccination outreach reveals thanks, angst — and much more.
Innovation in Pain Rehabilitation Using Co-Design Methods During the Development of a Relapse Prevention Intervention: Case Study
The first objective was to provide an overview of all activities that were employed during the course of a research project to develop a relapse prevention intervention for interdisciplinary pain treatment programs. The second objective was to examine how co-design may contribute to stakeholder involvement, generation of relevant insights and ideas, and incorporation of stakeholder input into the intervention design.
An implementation framework for transformative gamification services
Gamification services are hailed as effective tools for influencing users’ behaviours, increasing engagement, motivation, and enhancing learning. In the field of behaviour change, transformative outcomes have been reported for gamification services; with some conceptualisation undertaken regarding transformative gamification services. However, there is a lack of research on practical implementation of transformative gamification services. Also, previous studies have often isolated a single component of gamification and not discussed the synergistic effects and behavioural outcomes of the experiences that the combination of gamification elements can create. To bridge this gap, we provide an implementation framework for transformative gamification services. This is achieved by identifying different components of transformative gamification from a social marketing and transformative service research (TSR) lens and their behavioural outcomes. To do this, we delve into game design, gamification and behaviour change literature and suggest a practical implementation framework which incorporates users' perspectives in the form of transformative values, user engagement types (play typologies), and consumption/service encounter experiences. This research contributes to gamification theory and practice by furthering the understanding of transformative gamification services in social marketing and TSR. It also provides behaviour change practitioners with detailed steps for implementation of such services aiming to create positive behavioural changes.
How To Design Effective Conversational AI Experiences: A Comprehensive Guide — Smashing Magazine
Color Theme Generator | Orea Digital
Stormz - Brainstorming & Decision-Making Platform for facilitators
The Expert (Short Comedy Sketch) - YouTube
The original short story about drawing seven red lines
Why are Western apps more minimalistic than Asian apps? | by Bas Wallet | UX Collective
It's time we put agency into Behavioural Public Policy | Behavioural Public Policy | Cambridge Core
Promoting agency – people's ability to form intentions and to act on them freely – must become a primary objective for Behavioural Public Policy (BPP). Contemporary BPPs do not directly pursue this objective, which is problematic for many reasons. From an ethical perspective, goals like personal autonomy and individual freedom cannot be realised without nurturing citizens’ agency. From an efficacy standpoint, BPPs that override agency – for example, by activating automatic psychological processes – leave citizens ‘in the dark’, incapable of internalising and owning the process of behaviour change. This may contribute to non-persistent treatment effects, compensatory negative spillovers or psychological reactance and backfiring effects. In this paper, we argue agency-enhancing BPPs can alleviate these ethical and efficacy limitations to longer-lasting and meaningful behaviour change. We set out philosophical arguments to help us understand and conceptualise agency. Then, we review three alternative agency-enhancing behavioural frameworks: (1) boosts to enhance people's competences to make better decisions; (2) debiasing to encourage people to reduce the tendency for automatic, impulsive responses; and (3) nudge+ to enable citizens to think alongside nudges and evaluate them transparently. Using a multi-dimensional framework, we highlight differences in their workings, which offer comparative insights and complementarities in their use. We discuss limitations of agency-enhancing BPPs and map out future research directions.
WebAIM: Screen Reader User Survey #10 Results
Should a person describe what they look like during a virtual meeting or webinar? Response # of respondents % of respondents Yes 363 31.8% No 779 68.2% The majority (68.2%) of respondents do not prefer descriptions of appearances in online meetings.
How To Improve Your Microcopy: UX Writing Tips For Non-UX Writers — Smashing Magazine
Megastudy shows that reminders boost vaccination but adding free rides does not | Nature
The Psychology of Rituals: An Integrative Review and Process-Based Framework
Level Up from Habits to Rituals
Octalysis Explorer Book - Yu-Kai Chou
Behavioral Systems: Combining behavioral science and systems analysis - Busara
Voice and tone / Content / Zendesk Garden
How to sound like Zendesk Our product is an extension of our brand and we want it to feel like Zendesk. We use visual design to shape what Zendesk looks like, and voice and tone to shape what Zendesk sounds like.
EP.4 ชีวิตคือการทดลอง ทดลอง ทดลอง | Design Thinking for Student Life on Vimeo
Boxy SVG
Free web-application for editing and making SVGs. Good alternative to inkscape. Recommended for quickly resizing and centering icons
Behavioral science should start by assuming people are reasonable - ScienceDirect
Accessible communications: A starting point for fostering more inclusive comms | CharityComms
SVG Viewer - View, edit, and optimize SVGs
CSS filter generator to convert from black to target hex color
Will Your Nudge Have a Lasting Impact?
Emil Dziewanowski - Technical Artist
JMIR mHealth and uHealth - Quality of Publicly Available Physical Activity Apps: Review and Content Analysis
Out of the 93 behavior change techniques that can be used, on average only 7 were chosen, and the most common were related to: 1. Feedback on behavior 2. Goal setting 3. Action planning As the study says: “within the “Goals and Planning” BCT group, only 3 out of 9 BCTs were utilized.