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[http://journals.lww.com/jaids/Fulltext/2014/08151/Effectiveness_of_Mass_Media_Interventions_for_HIV.13.aspx] - - public:weinreich
campaign_effects, evaluation, health_communication, HIV_AIDS, social_marketing - 5 | id:76478 -

Increases in condom use were larger for longer campaigns and in nations that scored lower on the human development index. Increases in transmission knowledge were larger to the extent that respondents reported greater campaign exposure, for more recent campaigns, and for nations that scored lower on the human development index.

[http://www.kff.org/entpartnerships/7515.cfm] - - public:weinreich
campaign_effects, health_communication, HIV_AIDS, media, sample_campaigns - 5 | id:79487 -

This report focuses on how national media campaigns on HIV/AIDS have evolved over the last 25 years in the U.S., reflecting the changing nature of the disease as awareness and treatment have progressed. It also provides insight on the approaches, historic

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