Oklar forskningsproposition för humaniora – vem behöver ett bildningslyft?
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Varför har Sveriges regering ett avtal med Kina? - Universitetsläraren
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Den gemensamma kommittén för vetenskapligt och tekniskt samarbete mellan Kina och Sverige har genomfört sitt 7:e möte i Beijing
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EU research and innovation policies
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Varför undervisa på engelska på grundnivå? | Medarbetarwebben
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Inbjudan till lärosäten, myndigheter och organisationer att inkomma med synpunkter till regeringens forskningspolitik -
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Regeringen tillsätter ny forskningsberedning -
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(24) Ann Fust | LinkedIn
Om Oss - FSG Fond
Sara Mazur blir ny verkställande ledamot i Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse | Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse
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Forskarna som är regeringens rådgivare - Tidningen Curie
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Vad är viktigast i den kommande forskningsproppen? – SULF
Questioning the Entrepreneurial State - Gothenburg University
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Ständige sekreterarens blogg – Här bloggar Kungl. Vetenskapsakademiens ständige sekreterare.
Nationalmuseum - Kristian IV, 1577-1648, kung av Danmark och Norge
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This Report Could Make or Break the Next 30 Years of U.S. Astronomy - Scientific American
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Uncle Sam--the last of the bigtime spenders :: Senator William Proxmire Collection
The Atomic Origins of Climate Science - The New Yorker
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Att lyckas i Kina n%C3%A4r andra g%C3%A5r bet - Samspel
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H%C3%B6gskolan f%C3%A5r prestigefylld utn%C3%A4mning av Shanghais regering%C2%A0...
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SISU |%C2%A0SISU och H%C3%B6gskolan i Halmstad har f%C3%B6rnyat det bilaterala a...
Rambidrag forskningssamarbete Kina - Vetenskapsr%C3%A5det
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Explaining the “History of Technology” series and equitable growth - Equitable G...
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Responsible innovation - Equitable Growth
The Curious History of Phyllis on Aristotle – Darin Hayton
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The links between science studies and British %E2%80%9Cdeclinist%E2%80%9D discou...
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That 'Useless' Liberal Arts Degree Has Become Tech's Hottest Ticket
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Draft Guidelines on the Evaluation of Digital Scholarship - American Historical ...
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The Marketplace of Ideas by Louis Menand (ACLS Occasional Paper No. 49)
How the Ford Motor Co. Invented the SQUID - IEEE Spectrum
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Innovation theory for the 1990s – revisited | Science Observed
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The History Manifesto :: Home
How to Give up the I-Word, Pt. 1 // Culture Digitally
Billionaires With Big Ideas Are Privatizing American Science -
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The myth of the science park economy - Demos Quarterly
Getting Russia Wrong | Opinion | The Moscow Times
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The spirit-crushing impact of impact -
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The Humanities in Dubious Battle - Advice - The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Decline and Fall of the English Major -
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Relevant History | Leaping Robot Blog | Patrick McCray
Political Science at the Guardian: introducing our new bloggers | Science | guar...
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Nationellt forskningscentrum bildas - Dagens Medicin
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The Royal Society
News: 'No More Plan B' - Inside Higher Ed
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Tim Harford's Adapt: How to fund research so that it generates insanely great id...
China's chemists should avoid the Vanity Fair : Nature News
The New College of Humanities; is this the future? | Girl, Interrupting
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