
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[https://medium.com/@andreasmuelder/large-language-models-for-domain-specific-language-generation-how-to-train-your-dragon-0b5360e8ed76] - - public:mzimmerm
ai, article, code, doc, generate, llm, train - 7 | id:1489780 -

training a model like Llama with 2.7 billion parameters outperformed a larger model like Vicuna with 13 billion parameters. Especially when considering resource consumption, this might be a good alternative to using a 7B Foundation model instead of a full-blown ChatGPT. The best price-to-performance base model for our use case turned out to be Mistral 7b. The model is compact enough to fit into an affordable GPU with 24GB VRAM and outperforms the other models with 7B parameters.

[http://longform.org/] - - public:time
aggregator, article, articles, blog, consolidation, reader, rss - 7 | id:3305 -

Instapaper facilitates easy reading of long text content. We discover web content throughout the day, and sometimes, we don’t have time to read long articles right when we find them. Instapaper allows you to easily save them for later, when you do have time, so you don’t just forget about them or skim through them.

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