json2smtp - Connect to your smtp server over json
An online service and opensource project to send emails using json. Creates a proxy where json comes in and smtp calls go out.
An online service and opensource project to send emails using json. Creates a proxy where json comes in and smtp calls go out.
An email service. Email a website URL in the subject and get a reply by email of this webpage as pdf, png, jpeg and even as html. You can surf the web using your email. Also some configuration like setting the width and height.
Smart bookmarks service. Can save bookmarks for long time period between browsers. Tag your bookmarks and search by tags, bundle or free text.
תוכנה לניהול תקציב במשק בית המאפשרת הזנת נתונים אוטומטיים מכל חשבונות הבנק וכרטיסי האשראי ומיצרת גרפים של הכנסות והוצאות עם תובנות וחלוקת הוצאות לקטגוריות.
Agenda like never seen before. It is like Google Maps for your Calendar. Allowing you to see an overview of years, months, weeks and days of your Agenda. You can zoom-in and see details of every day or zoom-out and see your global plans for the summer. This extension uses SVG and HTML5 in a unique matter giving you the option to plan your vacation, to plan your work a head and see your schedule in a very intuitive very easy to use Schedule-Mapping.
Time and Line, is an online graph application for creating timeline graphs. It is capable to view different units and how those units react together. Like players in a basketball team, players join the group, players leave.
News Analysis tool. Get your news in real time. Parse the articles and understand the news. See the news hot topics and how the time line of the topic last.
Planet Commander is an online game written in JavaScript to play and enjoy a mind and real time gaming
אתר און-ליין לפירוש חלומות ולהבנת הסמלים המופיעים בחלום
Build your own Memory Game using your own pictures and images, play with it. Pure JavaScript - Make your own memory game online.
Online veterinary clinics management. Can access files from everywhere for pets owners and treatments.
The meaning of dreams. Understanding the symbols appearing in your dreams and interpret them.
English Gematria, Latin Gematria, Online Gematria Calculator, Hebrew Kaballa Gematria Values Calculator
תכנה און-ליין לוטרינרים לניהול מרפאות וטרינריות במחשב מכל מקום כולל הנפקת חשבוניות ודיווח כלבת
מחשבון online לחישוב מס ערך מוסך לחשבונית. מאפשר הזנת כמה סכומים במקביל ועריכה מכל מקום