FFmpeg By Example [https://ffmpegbyexample.com/] - 2025-01-21 21:14:10 - public:xxx commandline, editor, effects, ffmpeg, linux, manipulations, video - 7 | id:1514475 -
BBC Sound Effects [https://sound-effects.bbcrewind.co.uk/] - 2024-10-04 11:45:10 - public:xxx advertising, downloads, effects, games, list, media, sound, storytelling - 8 | id:1506836 -
VFX-JS - Visual Effects Framework for Web #VFXJS [https://amagi.dev/vfx-js/] - 2024-07-19 14:19:03 - public:xxx effects, images, javascript, js, library, video, webdesign, webdev - 8 | id:1492568 - A library to create effects on images and videos
Effects Showroom - TerminalTextEffects Docs [https://chrisbuilds.github.io/terminaltexteffects/showroom/] - 2024-05-31 19:25:38 - public:xxx cool, effects, graphics, html, nice, terminal, text - 7 | id:1492223 -
Simulating Fluids, Fire, and Smoke in Real-Time [https://andrewkchan.dev/posts/fire.html] - 2023-12-23 09:21:18 - public:xxx animation, cool, effects, fire, games, graphics, programming, smoke, web - 9 | id:1488919 -
Free Sound Effects MP3/WAV Download [https://free-sound-effects.net/] - 2023-11-02 20:16:21 - public:xxx downloads, effects, free, games, opensource, resources, searchengine, sound - 8 | id:1485063 -
Atropos - Stunning touch-friendly 3D parallax hover effects [https://atroposjs.com/] - 2021-10-05 14:29:48 - public:xxx 3d, effects, graphics, javascript, js, library, nice, parallax - 8 | id:797644 -
Simple CSS Line Hover Animations for Links | Codrops [https://tympanus.net/codrops/2021/02/10/simple-css-line-hover-animations-for-links/] - 2021-02-16 09:25:12 - public:xxx css, effects, hover, tutorials, underline, webdesign - 6 | id:573859 -
How to create “Typing Effect” in CSS and JS | by JW | Frontend Weekly | Jan, 2021 | Medium [https://medium.com/front-end-weekly/how-to-create-typing-effect-in-css-and-js-3252dd807f0a] - 2021-01-20 19:55:25 - public:xxx css, effects, javascript, js, programming, tricks, typing - 7 | id:488441 -
Four subtle Text-Effects to spice up your web-site - DEV [https://dev.to/akhilarjun/four-subtle-text-effects-to-spice-up-your-web-site-27e7] - 2020-08-20 11:15:18 - public:xxx cool, css, effects, nice, snippets, text, webdesign, widget - 8 | id:366354 -
Duotone Effect Generatorcamera [https://duotones.co/] - 2018-05-02 11:21:50 - public:xxx color, download, duotone, effects, images, webdev - 6 | id:79700 - Create beautiful duotone color pairings and effects
Free Sound Effects FX Library, Free Download - GRSites [http://www.grsites.com/archive/sounds/] - 2018-04-06 16:03:03 - public:xxx downloads, effects, free, html, mp3, sound - 6 | id:59506 - Library of sound effects, sound fx Free Download
jQuery Reel Plugin [http://jquery.vostrel.cz/reel] - 2010-03-24 18:52:24 - public:xxx 3d, animation, design, development, drag, effects, images, javascript, jquery, jquery.plugin, plugin, programming, slider, ui - 14 | id:775 -
QuickFlip jQuery Plugin | Jon Raasch's Blog [http://jonraasch.com/blog/quickflip-jquery-plugin] - 2009-07-05 20:15:24 - public:xxx animation, business, cool, css, design, development, effects, flip, javascript, jquery, plugin, programming, webdesign - 13 | id:975 -
jQuery TOOLS - The missing UI library for the Web [http://flowplayer.org/tools/demos/index.html] - 2009-06-12 19:10:57 - public:xxx design, development, effects, html, javascript, jquery, plugin, resources, tools, tutorials, ui, web - 12 | id:987 -
20 More Excellent AJAX Effects You Should Know - Nettuts+ [http://net.tutsplus.com/articles/web-roundups/20-more-excellent-ajax-effects-you-should-know/] - 2009-04-28 20:34:22 - public:xxx ajax, css, design, effects, forms, javascript, jquery, programming, tools, tutorials, ui, web - 12 | id:1022 -