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Viewing megatux's Bookmarks

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[http://xrvg.rubyforge.org/] - - public:megatux
fractals, graphics, library, maths, plot, ruby, SVG, vector, visualization - 9 | id:227369 -

XRVG stands for "eXtended Ruby Vector Graphics". The purpose of this project is to define and implement a high-level and powerful programming environment for vector graphics generation.

[http://www.jquantlib.org/index.php/Main_Page] - - public:megatux
development, java, library, math - 4 | id:227411 -

JQuantLib is a free, open-source, comprehensive framework for quantitative finance, written in Java. It provides "quants" and Java application developers several mathematical and statistical tools needed for the valuation of financial instruments, among other features.

[http://code.google.com/p/xmltool/] - - public:megatux
java, library, xml - 3 | id:227480 -

XMLTool is a very simple Java library to be able to do all sorts of common operations with an XML document. As a Java developer, I often end up writing the always the same code for processing XML, transforming, ... So i decided to put all in a very easy to use class using the Fluent Interface pattern to facilitate XML manipulations

[http://jpoller.sourceforge.net/] - - public:megatux
components, directory, java, library, monitor - 5 | id:227532 -

This package realizes a typical behaviour found in many file-based conversations between independent systems: monitoring one or more local directories, observing incoming files and do something when they arrive.

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