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[http://bodybugglinux.blogspot.com/2009/07/trivial-activity-classifier-that-works.html] - - public:time
bodybugg, hacking, scripting - 3 | id:3574 -

The Nitty Gritty: from rpy import * import csv import sys import string from PIL import Image import numpy f=open("tmp/z709a-full-serial-24hr.csv","r") lns = f.readlines() f.close() rdr = csv.reader(lns, delimiter='\t') rx = [x for x in rdr] recs=[[int(y) for y in x[2:-1]] for x in rx if x[0][:3] == '124'] nil=[sys.stdout.write(rx[i][1] + " " + str(foo[i])+"\n") for i in range(0, len(foo))] mrecs=matrix(recs) cl = r.kmeans(mrecs, 3) foo=[[cl['cluster'][i]] + [z for z in mrecs[i].tolist()[0]] for i in range(0, len(mrecs))] cmap=[255, 0, 128] cline=[[cmap[x[0]-1]]*50 for x in foo] cm=numpy.array(cline,dtype='uint8') # Display image Image.fromarray(cm).show()

[http://www.ettus.com/index.html] - - public:time
broadcast, hacking, hardware, opensource, radio, software - 6 | id:4889 -

The Universal Software Radio Peripheral, or USRP, is device which allows you to create a software radio using any computer with a USB 2 port. Various plug-on daughterboards allow the USRP to be used on different radio frequency bands. Daughterboards are a

[http://www.ethicalhacker.net/component/option,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/] - - public:time
hacking, howto, reference, security, tutorials - 5 | id:4987 -

The Digital Construction Company (TDCC) was formed last year to be the force behind ideas for contributing and giving back to the IT community. TDCC proudly supports The Certified Security Professional Online Magazine as well as this site, The Ethical Hac

[http://justin.everett-church.com/index.php/2006/03/06/h4x0r1ng-the-u10-interface/] - - public:time
flash, hacking, iriver, u10 - 4 | id:4988 -

Want to be able to customize the Flash Lite UI that runs the rest of the device I’ve gotten pretty far, so I thought I’d share what I learned in hopes that others are looking into this and can share what they have learned.

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