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[http://www.productwiki.com/bodybugg/] - - public:time
bodybugg, exercise, monitoring, wiki - 4 | id:3557 -

The Bodybugg uses 4 main features to keep track of your activities (it's much more than just a pedometer). 1. Accelerometer - a two-axis micro-electro-mechanical sensor that measures motion 2. Heat flux - a sensor measures how much heat the person's body is giving off 3. Galvanic Skin Response - measures electrical current across the skin, essentially this aspect is measuring how much you sweat 4. Skin temperature - tracking a person's core body temperature gives the Bodybugg an indication of how much physical exertion the person is doing

[http://bodybugglinux.blogspot.com/2009/07/trivial-activity-classifier-that-works.html] - - public:time
bodybugg, hacking, scripting - 3 | id:3574 -

The Nitty Gritty: from rpy import * import csv import sys import string from PIL import Image import numpy f=open("tmp/z709a-full-serial-24hr.csv","r") lns = f.readlines() f.close() rdr = csv.reader(lns, delimiter='\t') rx = [x for x in rdr] recs=[[int(y) for y in x[2:-1]] for x in rx if x[0][:3] == '124'] nil=[sys.stdout.write(rx[i][1] + " " + str(foo[i])+"\n") for i in range(0, len(foo))] mrecs=matrix(recs) cl = r.kmeans(mrecs, 3) foo=[[cl['cluster'][i]] + [z for z in mrecs[i].tolist()[0]] for i in range(0, len(mrecs))] cmap=[255, 0, 128] cline=[[cmap[x[0]-1]]*50 for x in foo] cm=numpy.array(cline,dtype='uint8') # Display image Image.fromarray(cm).show()

[http://bodybugghacks.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2008-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-06%3A00&updated-max=2009-01-01T00%3A00%3A00-06%3A00&max-results=1] - - public:time
bodybugg, hacks - 2 | id:3627 -

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