
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/192706/how-could-we-allow-non-root-users-to-control-a-systemd-service] - - public:mzimmerm
systemd, user - 2 | id:1485403 -

An alternate option is to have an httpd.service file under webteam home directory ~/.config/systemd/user and they can start/stop/enable etc themselves: systemctl --user enable httpd.service systemctl --user start httpd.service

[http://uxnerd.com/] - - public:time
blog, design, experience, frontend, user, ux - 6 | id:2834 -

A thorough gathering of requirements should include the following questions: What should the system do? But also… What could it do? What must it do? What must it not do? Nice piece of advice borrowed from my dark (hard-core engineering) past, who would have thought it’d turn out to be so useful in design.

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