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[http://www.labnol.org/internet/email/access-websites-over-email-without-internet-connection/1660/] - - public:ghiberti
conversion, doc, online, pdf - 4 | id:282589 -

Access Internet Through Email, Get Webpages on Demand in your Email Inbox - find stock quotes, weather forecast, currency exchange rates, upload documents, convert PDF documents, share photos and read websites without internet. Perfect if you having a mob

[http://www.robbiek.com/badak.htm] - - public:time
conversion, iriver, Software, video - 4 | id:4989 -

BADAK is an extremely easy to use and reliable program for coverting movies for your iriver. Since iriver did not develop this software, they do not offer any support for it, nor do they promote it, even though it is far superior than their inhouse progra

[http://iriverter.sourceforge.net/] - - public:time
conversion, iriver, software, utilities - 4 | id:4990 -

iriverter is a cross-platform frontend to mencoder designed to facilitate the conversion of almost any video format to one that is playable on iriver, iAudio, and iPod multimedia players.

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