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[https://arslan.io/2024/09/10/my-homelab-setup/] - - public:isaac
computer, design, diy, home, router - 5 | id:1509351 -

I replaced my existing Homelab setup from the ground up with Unifi's latest Gateways, Switches APs, and Cameras. Here is what I did and how it ended up.

[https://www.quantamagazine.org/a-quantum-trick-implied-eternal-stability-now-its-falling-apart-20240226/] - - public:mzimmerm
computer, good, mechanics, quantum, qubit, stable, state - 7 | id:1489714 -

The secret, he found, was to stick the particle in a “disordered” quantum landscape, one dotted with peaks and valleys. Each location would have a random height, representing a random energy. In a real material, this disorder might come from impurities such as missing atoms or atoms of different elements.

[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coroutine] - - public:mzimmerm
computer, coroutine, generate, good, multi, program, science, software, thread, yield - 10 | id:1485369 -

Coroutine is a routine which can yield. Coroutines are typically scheduled cooperatively (=non-preemptively). Coroutines are similar to threads, although threads are typically scheduled preemptively (scheduler pre-empts=forces execution to pause and yield, even without yield in the language)

[https://www.grooves-inc.com/biostar-biostar-b450nh-b450-am4-mitx-amd-biostar-hardware-electronic-pZZa1-2100490802.html] - - public:mikeinmass
computer - 1 | id:1301843 -

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