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Viewing hawkingbird's Bookmarks

fandom:whitecollar delete ,

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/47938?view_adult=true] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:whitecollar, pairing:peter/elizabeth/neal - 2 | id:251621 -

“You, upstairs,“ El said to Neal. He beamed, twirled on one foot, and trotted out. “And you need to stop making it so fun to mess with you,“ she added to Peter. She surprised a look of such melting fondness on his face as he looked after Neal that her breath caught. “No,“ he said quietly. “I really don't.“

[https://sam-storyteller.dreamwidth.org/168353.html] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:SherlockBBC, fandom:whitecollar - 2 | id:251615 -

Neal and Sherlock's rematch in London was the high point of the International Law Enforcement Conference -- until Neal's tracker went dark.

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