
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

Viewing hawkingbird's Bookmarks

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/2082951/chapters/4531803] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:avengers, pairing:steve/bucky - 2 | id:683385 -

Steve is a shy comic book artist and meets his new neighbour, Bucky Barnes. In which there are awkward longings, meddling best friends, comic conventions, heartache, lemons, video games, dorkiness, dancing and two cute boys.

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/2106210/chapters/4593219] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:avengers, pairing:steve/bucky - 2 | id:683384 -

In which Steve is the proud owner of Frost; a semi famous local bakery in D.C. And despite the overwhelming insistence that it’s about time he start dating, Steve swears up and down he isn’t ready for that. Or as of recently, just doesn’t have the time because of Mr. Barnes. The highly demanding wedding planner on the phone who keeps asking for nearly impossible deliveries and maybe Steve would like to personally strangle him. Maybe

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/1679630/chapters/3568478] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:avengers, pairing:steve/bucky - 2 | id:683383 -

Adjusting to civilian life is hard for any military veteran — especially for one ex-sniper with a cybernetic arm, a classic Harley, and friends who keep trying to ‘help.’ When Sam Wilson at the VA sends Sergeant Barnes to rent a room from the hottest guy in the DC area, Bucky thinks maybe civilian life is worth it after all. And then he finds out Captain Rogers is everything Bucky’s not: a real hero, a Medal of Honor recipient, and an all-around nice guy. Bucky doesn’t have a chance in hell with him. Sam was a huge help to Steve Rogers when he left the military. In the spirit of ‘pay it forward,’ Steve decides to rent out his basement room to a vet in need. But when Sergeant Barnes shows up on his doorstep, he knows he’s in for a world of trouble. Barnes is exactly what Steve never knew he wanted, from his bedroom eyes to his wicked innuendos. And he’s Steve’s tenant.

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/19268770/chapters/45825016] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:avengers, pairing:steve/bucky - 2 | id:277194 -

Steve Rogers: khaki pants and ugly tweed wearing art history professor specializing in historical queer art (by day). Is actually Captain America, vigilante and the bane of Detective Barnes’s existence (by night). Detective Bucky Barnes: A very clever cop who suspects something is up with Steve. Is frustrated that Captain America exists and is dedicated to finding him because he loves a good puzzle. So, how does Steve convince Bucky that he's too boring to be Captain America? Go on a date with him.

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/4433063] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:avengers, pairing:steve/bucky - 2 | id:277193 -

“What do I do?” Steve appealed into the phone. “I’m freaking out.” There was silence on the other end of the line. It lasted so long that Steve pulled the receiver away from his ear and frowned at it. Pay phones were old. Maybe this one wasn’t working despite the obvious dial tone when he picked up. “Ok,” a stranger’s voice said over the phone. “First acknowledge the fact that you dialed the wrong number, but be quick about it because my cab is a few blocks away from my own plans and I’m about to drop some truth bombs on you.”

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/291745/chapters/466763] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:dragonage, pairing:handers - 2 | id:277192 -

Leandra dies outside of Lothering. Garrett Hawke leads his siblings and Aveline Vallen to Kirkwall, only to be turned back at the gates when their uncle refuses to help them enter the city. They return to Ferelden and land in Amaranthine. A year and change later, the Grey Wardens arrive at Vigil's Keep, intending to rebuild the arling and root out the last of the darkspawn plaguing the land. The new Warden-Commander conscripts Anders, an old friend from the Circle Tower, but as a mage and an elf, she needs some outside help in dealing with unhappy nobles. Lucky for her, Varel knows just the man to help...

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/7903567/chapters/18053920] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:avengers, pairing:sam/bucky+steve - 2 | id:277191 -

Sam can’t help but roll his eyes. Take the boys out of New York but they’re still Brooklyn Catholics, that’s clear enough. Bucky catches the gesture, smirks hard enough Sam can see his eye teeth. It should be dangerous but he’s beautiful, pale and charming and recklessly easy. “You wanna come in?” Sam asks, ignoring the noise Steve makes, and Bucky’s smile gets wider. “Yeah,” he says. Steps up close to Sam. “I do.”

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/10019339/chapters/22332386] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:batman - 1 | id:272162 -

“I know what you’re going to say, Batman,” Damian said, shrugging the hand off his shoulder. “You’re going to tell me that Nightwing is dead, and that people don’t come back from the dead. Well, clearly you are wrong, seeing that you were dead and I was dead and Red Hood was dead and even Superman was once dead-” “My parents are dead,” Father interrupted. “Nightwing’s parents are dead. There have been a few notable exceptions in extenuating circumstances, Robin, but the rule stands. Everyone can die.” OR Damian meets a 10-year-old Dick Grayson, and they become best friends.

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/3079940/chapters/6680471] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:batman - 1 | id:269552 -

Moments in Damian's life as he got to know Richard

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/1887807] - - public:hawkingbird
!babyfic, fandom:batman - 2 | id:267108 -

Bruce dies, Dick becomes Batman. But the Damian that Talia leaves in his care isn’t a ten-year-old warrior, he’s a ten-month-old baby.

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/7433117/chapters/16884772] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:uncharted, pairing:nate/helena - 2 | id:251691 -

Sam never factored in that Nathan might have a wife. And then he met Elena, in a dingy room in a Madagascar motel, and she had barely spared him a glance. For which he was very thankful, actually, because he’d seen such a furious fire in her eyes when they briefly met his that he worried he was about to be punched in the jaw. It would have been an extremely valid punch in the jaw. His sins were really piling up.

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/1488142] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:avengers - 1 | id:251690 -

Steve takes in Bucky's betrayed look and Sam's confusion, follows Sam's gaze to the pile of mangled fruit in the trash can. Sudden comprehension fills his face. “Oh,“ he says. “Bucky found out about bananas.“

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/6013677/chapters/13802217] - - public:hawkingbird
!angst, fandom:dragonage, pairing:adoribull - 3 | id:251646 -

Dorian is used to being a pariah, knows all too well what it's like to be a man alone. Skyhold is no exception, and when the others go afield with the Inquisitor, the stones halls pick up an altogether different kind of chill. Also, he adopts some cats. At least they seem to like him. (Angstiest angst to ever angst)

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/5235923/chapters/12076367] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:dragonage, pairing:adoribull - 2 | id:251645 -

The Iron Bull has been horny before, but never horny enough to summon anything. Until a beautiful man with horns and a pair of cloven hooves drops into his bedroom. Dorian asks for nothing more than sex... but soon they're spending more time together, and Bull begins to learn what it takes to warp a man into a demon. Then what it takes to get him back again.

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/10549284] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:avengers, pairing:sam/bucky - 2 | id:251643 -

Sam Wilson's fugitive life, post-Accords: taking refuge in a kingdom that might as well have been magical, in a sprawling palace set against beautiful mountains and jungles, where there was a handsome man cursed and trapped in a deathly sleep in a glass coffin, and a kind and just king who was working to heal him, and a stalwart warrior from a far-off time who wouldn't leave his cursed friend, and, hell, Sam even knew a witch. Surely Sam could be forgiven if his thoughts turned to fairy tales and Disney movies. Bucky's kind of like a Disney princess. Sam would maybe like to be Prince Charming.

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/6764785] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:avengers, pairing:sam/bucky - 2 | id:251642 -

The time he stole his steering wheel (right out of his fucking hands while he was very much driving and trying to avoid being killed Steve it's not funny in hindsight). The time he ripped off Sam's wing and kicked him off a helicarrier. The time he picked Sam up by his face and threw him across the room. Sam has a long list of reasons Bucky isn't getting any favours from him any time soon.

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/1558160/chapters/3303989] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:glee, pairing:kadam - 2 | id:251638 -

One night while walking home, Kurt hears someone being attacked in an alley. Unable to ignore the cries, Kurt rushes to help. While the attack is over in minutes, the consequences for Kurt linger on, physically and psychologically, as he copes with his injuries, his memories, and his deteriorating relationship with Blaine.

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/1174295/chapters/2392361] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:dragonage, pairing:handers - 2 | id:251636 -

Garrett Hawke is a gamer who's involved in the MMO THEDAS. He's got a crush on his guild's healer and it seems the feeling might be mutual. Only one problem. As Garrett's been playing a female warrior from the start, everyone thinks he's a woman. Now he has to figure out if he should come clean before the upcoming THEDAS convention.

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/1429213] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:avengers, pairing:steve/bucky - 2 | id:251633 -

It is like steel, the determination inside of you that tells you you will achieve this, that you will find him. Nothing will stop you. You are two sides of the same coin, you and he: he cannot escape you forever. Bucky runs. Steve follows. (Because fuck you, that's why)

[https://deliriumfics.tumblr.com/post/50140654712/fic-team-bruce-team-ellen] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:glee, pairing:kadam - 2 | id:251632 -

Santana’s not really sure about this Adam guy. Kurt has terrible taste in men, so she thinks she might be on Team Bruce. One night she comes home from work to see the British crumpet himself making dinner, and decides to grill him a little

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/1599293] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:avengers - 1 | id:251630 -

“Heil Hydra,” the enemy agent shouts. “Heil this, motherfucker,” says Captain America, shooting off a rocket. Steve and Bucky find out Hollywood has been busy since they went away. A historical survey, including but not limited to: one set of exploded genitals, a brief interlude in France, Mel Gibson and other masterworks of casting, eight Academy awards, several dinosaurs, and something Tony Stark has ominously dubbed “the masterpiece.”

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/176744] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:dragonage, pairing:handers - 2 | id:251628 -

Hawke is so pretty that when Anders sees him near The Blooming Rose he mistakes him for a prostitute

[https://archiveofourown.org/works/47938?view_adult=true] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:whitecollar, pairing:peter/elizabeth/neal - 2 | id:251621 -

“You, upstairs,“ El said to Neal. He beamed, twirled on one foot, and trotted out. “And you need to stop making it so fun to mess with you,“ she added to Peter. She surprised a look of such melting fondness on his face as he looked after Neal that her breath caught. “No,“ he said quietly. “I really don't.“

[https://tierfallen.livejournal.com/118786.html] - - public:hawkingbird
fandom:glee, pairing:kurtofsky - 2 | id:251620 -

Somehow the dead heat of summer gives rise to the mother(fucker) of all second chances. The road to redemption is paved with fights, phone calls, false starts, and more than a few jokes at the expense of the lovable Finn Hudson.

With marked bookmarks
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