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[http://www.ncahf.org/] - - public:time
Health, quackery, reference, science, skepticism - 5 | id:4625 -

NCAHF is a private nonprofit, voluntary health agency that focuses upon health misinformation, fraud, and quackery as public health problems. Our positions are based upon the principles of science that underlie consumer protection law. We advocate: (a) ad

[http://www.quackwatch.org/] - - public:time
health, hoax, medical, medicine, quackery, reference, skeptic - 7 | id:4626 -

To help visitors with special areas of interest, we maintain 21 additional sites for autism, chiropractic, dentistry, multilevel marketing, and many other hot topics. We are also closely affiliated with the National Council Against Health Fraud, which cos

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