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[https://itnext.io/pwa-splash-screen-and-icon-generator-a74ebb8a130] - - public:xxx
apps, generator, pwa, splash, webdev - 5 | id:266607 -

PWA asset generator based on Puppeteer. Automatically generates icons and splash screens based on Web App Manifest specs and Apple Human Interface Guidelines. Updates manifest.json and index.html file

[https://appsco.pe/] - - public:xxx
apps, pwa, store - 3 | id:178311 -

Appscope is the leading directory for progressive web apps and offers a collection of the best web-based applications that are compatible with all devices.

[https://www.getnexar.com/] - - public:xxx
android, apps, camera, car, insurance - 5 | id:23235 -

Nexar is a free, AI dashcam app connected to the cloud. It instantly detects dangers on the road and provides “watch out” life-saving warnings.

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