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Rio delete ,

[http://www.mikewinter.org/musicmuppet/] - - public:time
audio, empeg, mp3, Rio, software - 5 | id:4662 -

The chief benefit of this is that one no longer needs any server software running on a host PC, aside from whatever is necessary to boot the receiver, and a web server to serve the music.

[http://www.myhap.org.uk/] - - public:time
audio, homeAutomation, media, rio, software, xpl - 6 | id:4698 -

The design philosophy behind MediaNet is to provide a common media server for various types of Media players. It's modular design allows new devices to be added that can instantly take advantage of existing media sources and other functions, it also allow

[http://www.takeitapart.net/archives/rio-karma/] - - public:time
diy, repair, Rio - 3 | id:4721 -

Our first device to be dismantled, the Karma, was chosen because dust had begun to accumulate between the screen and the LCD display.

[http://empegbbs.com/ubbthreads/dosearch.php?Cat=0&Forum=All_Forums&Words=&daterange=1&newertype=d&newerval=1&Limit=25&fromsearch=1] - - public:time
empeg, forums, mp3, music, Rio, tech - 6 | id:5613 -

The definitive site for Empeg information.

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