
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/a6087/8-incredible-lego-mods/] - - public:Trinsec
Design, graphics, Import, LEGO - 4 | id:72134 -

"Building a LEGO model or contraption by following the directions in the box is one thing, but it takes ingenuity and, yes, engineering ability to create an original LEGO composition. And there is no shortage of tinkerers determined to push the LEGO-mod envelope. The biggest drawback of the medium, according to LEGO artist Henry Lim, is also one of its most redeeming qualities. "If [the object] gets knocked over, it falls apart," he says. "However, it is made of LEGO, so it can be rebuilt.""

[https://bitstorm.org/edwin/cursus/dhtml.html] - - public:Trinsec
Coding, CSS, Design, graphics, Guide, Import, JavaScript, Tutorials - 8 | id:72137 -

"DHTML staat voor Dynamic HTML en is op zich geen standaard, op de website van het World Wide Web Consortium zullen we tevergeefs naar het begrip 'DHTML' zoeken.Door DHTML te gebruiken, is het mogelijk om pagina's interactief te maken waarbij onderdelen verschijnen, veranderen, bewegen en bijvoorbeeld reageren op muiskliks."

[https://cooltext.com] - - public:Trinsec
Design, Fonts, Generator, graphics, Import, Text - 6 | id:72138 -

"Cool Text is a FREE graphics generator for web pages and anywhere else you need an impressive logo without a lot of design work. Simply choose what kind of image you would like. Then fill out a form and you'll have your own custom image created on the fly."

[http://www.straatnaambord.nl/straatnaam/straatnaambord-vlak-met-ondertekst.htm] - - public:Trinsec
Design, graphics, Import - 3 | id:72142 -

Een imitatie van de straatnaamborden die u overal ziet, maar dan met uw eigen naam! Gemaakt uit aluminium, afgewerkt met hoogglans lak in een kleur naar keuze. Prachtig toch om zo'n tekstbord te hebben met eigen straatnaam of plein? Gewoon voor uzelf, of als origineel cadeau! Klik op een bord naar keuze en kies uw gewenste kleur!

[http://www.st-minutiae.com/resources/comparison/index.html] - - public:Trinsec
graphics, Images, Import, SciFi - 4 | id:72143 -

But the one thing that very few of those charts has ever done is to include non-canon fan designs alongside the original canon starships. I decided to create one all-encompassing chart that would include many (if not quite all) of the Star Trek ships that are out there. The charts available below include those created by the Advanced Starship Design Bureau, Masao Okazaki at the Starfleet Museum, and Star Trek: Renaissance, the fan fiction series of which I was once a part.

[http://www.offlimitsphotos.com/europe.html] - - public:Trinsec
graphics, Import, Photography - 3 | id:72144 -

"The Images below are from road trips across Europe, Belgium, Germany,Italy, France, Spain, Hungary, Luxembourg etc, travelling with friends to abandoned places, Europe offers so many oportunities for urban exlorers, I always look forward to these trips as you get to see a lot of the types of places you just don't see in the UK, spend time with good friends, having laughs, a few beers, what's not to like ?"

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