Welcome to Linux command line for you and me! — Linux command line for you and me 0.1 documentation [https://lym.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html] - 2022-10-01 13:22:35 - public:xxx bash, book, cheatsheet, commandline, examples, linux, reference, terminal, tutorials - 9 | id:1286898 -
onceupon/Bash-Oneliner: A collection of handy Bash One-Liners and terminal tricks for data processing and Linux system maintenance. [https://github.com/onceupon/Bash-Oneliner] - 2022-05-09 19:35:09 - public:xxx bash, commandline, commands, examples, linux, terminal, tips, tricks, tutorials - 9 | id:1098249 -
GitHub - GoogleChromeLabs/two-up [https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/two-up] - 2021-10-19 08:32:23 - public:xxx css, dom, examples, html, javascript, js, sample, shadow, shadowdom - 9 | id:824819 - shadow dom component sample
GitHub - dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible: [https://github.com/dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible] - 2019-09-20 14:03:54 - public:xxx bash, commandline, examples, linux, sample - 5 | id:266867 -
GitHub - gauravbehere/pwa-starter-demo: PWA - Getting Started - Demo of Progressive Web App [https://github.com/gauravbehere/pwa-starter-demo] - 2018-08-05 09:33:07 - public:xxx code, examples, javascript, mobile, pwa, resources, sample, webdev - 8 | id:177140 - PWA - Getting Started - Demo of Progressive Web App
The Modern Javascript Tutorial [http://javascript.info/] - 2017-09-25 20:01:42 - public:xxx development, examples, javascript, learn, programming, sample, tutorials - 7 | id:23253 -
CSS-Tricks [https://css-tricks.com/] - 2017-01-10 23:11:48 - public:xxx css, design, development, examples, graphics, learn, tricks, webdesign, webdev - 9 | id:29 -
Bea Stollnitz [http://bea.stollnitz.com/blog/] - 2010-04-16 18:42:27 - public:xxx .net, binding, blogs, c#, databinding, debugging, development, examples, gui, programming, tutorials, wpf, xaml - 13 | id:753 -
Common Queries Tree [http://www.artfulsoftware.com/infotree/queries.php?&bw=1280] - 2010-02-18 13:49:31 - public:xxx code, collection, common, database, db, development, examples, howto, mysql, programming, queries, query, snippets, sql, tutorials - 15 | id:806 -
Google Closure: How not to write JavaScript [http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2009/11/12/google-closure-how-not-to-write-javascript/] - 2009-11-12 20:38:58 - public:xxx blogs, closure, code, design, development, examples, google, guide, howto, javascript, library, optimization, performance, programming, tips, tutorials, web - 17 | id:923 -