Event Sourcing [https://martinfowler.com/eaaDev/EventSourcing.html] - 2024-04-03 15:56:45 - public:mzimmerm architecture, design, event, pattern, people.martin.fowler, software - 6 | id:1490845 -
Serverless Land - Introduction to Event Driven Architecture [https://serverlessland.com/event-driven-architecture/intro] - 2023-12-02 16:26:12 - public:mzimmerm architecture, change, drive, event, good, people.martin.fowler, software, system, video - 9 | id:1485436 - Event Driven Architecture - video by Martin Fowler
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum - Wikipedia [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solomon_R._Guggenheim_Museum] - 2022-08-05 21:17:41 - public:mzimmerm architecture - 1 | id:1222031 -
Villa Tugendhat - Wikipedia [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villa_Tugendhat] - 2022-08-05 21:05:08 - public:mzimmerm architecture - 1 | id:1222030 -
Fallingwater - Wikipedia [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallingwater] - 2022-08-05 21:04:52 - public:mzimmerm architecture - 1 | id:1222029 - One of the most beautiful houses built, ever. Frank Loyd Wright