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[https://levelup.gitconnected.com/build-a-pwa-using-only-vanilla-javascript-bdf1eee6f37a] - - public:xxx
javascript, pwa, tutorial - 3 | id:266993 -

“A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web app that uses modern web capabilities to deliver a native app-like experience to users. These apps meet certain requirements (see below), are deployed to…

[https://quarkjs.io/] - - public:xxx
desktop, development, ide, javascript - 4 | id:265592 -

Quark is a general purpose software tool specifically designed to help you create projects written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript with native desktop app like capabilities.

[https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2019/07/progressive-web-application-pwa-framework-part-1/] - - public:xxx
development, javascript, pwa, tutorials - 4 | id:265589 -

You don’t need to be a Computer Science graduate or know a JavaScript framework to create a Progressive Web Application. With some HTML and CSS knowledge and basic competency with JavaScript, you have all the skills you need.

[http://tabulator.info/] - - public:xxx
addon, html, javascript, js, lib, library, table - 7 | id:265588 -

Create interactive data tables in seconds with Tabulator. A lightweight, fully featured JavaScript table generation library.

[https://blog.logrocket.com/8-dom-features-you-didnt-know-existed-ec2a0a28fd89/] - - public:xxx
development, DOM, elements, html, javascript, snippets, tricks, webdev - 8 | id:253680 -

With so much focus on tooling lately, it’s nice to take a break from all of the React and npm-install-everything posts and take a closer look at some pure DOM and Web API features that work in modern browsers with no dependencies. This post will consider eight lesser-known DOM features that have strong browser support. […]

[https://areknawo.com/exploring-the-hidden-potential-of-javascript-arrays/] - - public:xxx
arrays, javascript, learn, webdev - 4 | id:244231 -

Rediscovering some of underrated JS arrays API methods you may not know... JavaScript Array API - map, reduce, iterations, iterables and more!Rediscovering some of underrated JS arrays API methods you may not know... JavaScript Array API - map, reduce, iterations, iterables and more!

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