
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[https://generated.photos/] - - public:xxx
ai, downloads, face, free, photos - 5 | id:266862 -

Explore our free resource of 100k high-quality faces, each entirely generated by AI. Use them in your projects, mockups, or wherever — all for just a link back to us!Explore our free resource of 100k high-quality faces, each entirely generated by AI. Use them in your projects, mockups, or wherever — all for just a link back to us!

[https://openai.com/blog/musenet/] - - public:xxx
ai, free, generator, music - 4 | id:244297 -

We’ve created Musenet, a deep neural network that can generate 4-minute musical compositions with 10 different instruments and can combine styles from country to Mozart to the Beatles.

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