
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

Viewing zhesto's Bookmarks

web delete ,

[http://studer.tv/projects-mwlib-overview.page] - - public:zhesto
php, programming, web - 3 | id:20639 -

PHP5 template system

[http://www.splitbrain.org/Programming/PHP/DokuWiki/index.php] - - public:zhesto
blog, web - 2 | id:20640 -

simple to use PHP wiki

[http://a.parsons.edu/~juliaset/?comments=388] - - public:zhesto
ipod, web - 2 | id:20697 -

[http://www.asiatica.org/~ludo/] - - public:zhesto
blog, web - 2 | id:20747 -

[http://www.pixy.cz/apps/barvy/index-en.html] - - public:zhesto
blog, web - 2 | id:20749 -

[http://www.yousendit.com/default.uplx] - - public:zhesto
email, web - 2 | id:20750 -

Email large files quickly, securely, and easily (up to 1G)

[http://www.jensroesner.de/wgetgui/] - - public:zhesto
web, windows - 2 | id:20782 -

the easy to use Graphical User Interface (GUI) for wGet

[http://noodle.tigris.org/] - - public:zhesto
java, programming, web - 3 | id:20798 -

100% Pure Java classes for transparently making arbitrary changes to an HTTP request and response

With marked bookmarks
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