
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

Viewing carlosbazilio's Bookmarks

html delete ,

[http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_ascii.asp] - - public:carlosbazilio
html - 1 | id:255350 -

HTML and XHTML uses standard 7-BIT ASCII when transmitting data over the Web.

[http://msrcmt.research.microsoft.com/cmt/] - - public:carlosbazilio
conference, html - 2 | id:255407 -

The Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) is a conference management service sponsored by Microsoft Research. CMT is capable of handling the complex workflow of an academic conference including:

[http://make-rss-feeds.com/making-an-rss-feed.htm] - - public:carlosbazilio
html, rss - 2 | id:255411 -

Everyday more and more websites, news services and blogs are adding RSS content. RSS is a method of syndicating content.The concept of aggregating content in one central location or repository is very appealing. Consumers have become tired of push technol

[http://script.aculo.us/] - - public:carlosbazilio
html - 1 | id:255425 -

The power of AJAX allows for rich user interaction without the trouble that has bugged traditional web applications. Building upon the wonderful Prototype JavaScript library, script.aculo.us provides you with some great additional ingredients to mix in.

[http://g04.com/html/index.php] - - public:carlosbazilio
html - 1 | id:255476 -

JimsTips.com is devoted to providing a Tips and Tricks resource for various of my hobby-releated topics. In addition, GmailTips.com was created to provide Tips and Tricks for Google's Gmail web-based email service, and MoxiTips.com was created to provide

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