
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

Viewing zhesto's Bookmarks

backup delete ,

[http://handybackup.net/] - - public:zhesto
backup, windows - 2 | id:21215 -

backup to CD RW, remote FTP backup, ZIP compression, file folder sinchronization

[http://ftp.linux.org.uk/pub/linux/ha/drdb/www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/reisner/drbd/] - - public:zhesto
backup, sysadmin - 2 | id:21296 -

RAID1 over network

[http://www.calins.ch/software/sync2cd.html] - - public:zhesto
backup, sysadmin - 2 | id:21391 -

an incremental archiving tool to CD/DVD

[http://www.miek.nl/projects/hdup16/hdup16.html] - - public:zhesto
backup, sysadmin - 2 | id:21789 -

a little, spiffy, backup tool

[http://mkcdrec.sourceforge.net/] - - public:zhesto
backup, sysadmin - 2 | id:21791 -

mkCDrec makes a bootable (El Torito) disaster recovery image

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