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Utilities delete ,

[http://www.pythontutor.com/] - - public:willetfarm
DataScience, Programming, Python, Tutorial, Utilities - 5 | id:438372 -

Python Tutor helps people overcome a fundamental barrier to learning programming: understanding what happens as the computer runs each line of code. You can use it to write Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, and Ruby code in your web browser and see its execution visualized step by step.

[https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/algebra/percent-change-calculator.php] - - public:willetfarm
Programming, Reference, Testing, Utilities, Work - 5 | id:321592 -

Calculating percentage change and expressing an increase or decrease. ( ΔV / |V1| ) * 100 = ((V2 - V1) / |V1|) * 100 = percentage change. Positive percentage change is an increase and negative is a decrease. How to calculate percentage change and percentage formula.

[https://bubbl.us/] - - public:willetfarm
Utilities - 1 | id:292751 -

mind mapping, mindmaps, productivity tools, online mind mapping, free mind mapping software, project planning, concept map, visual learning, organize ideas, online collaboration, outline, visual brain, bubblus, bubbles, bubble us, business process modeling, mindomo, mindmeister, lucidcharts, visio, brainstorm online

[https://www.guidgenerator.com/online-guid-generator.aspx] - - public:willetfarm
ContentGenerator, Programming, Utilities, Work - 4 | id:187273 -

guid, uuid, guid generator, uuid generator, online guid, onlineguid, globally unique identifier, universal unique identifier, java guid, java uuid, C# guid, C# uuid, globally unique identifier, unique identifier

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