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[http://sthurlow.com/python/] - - public:Trinsec
Import, programming, Python, Tutorials - 4 | id:72297 -

When CivilizationTM IV (Firaxis Games, published by Take2) was announced, one of the most exciting features was that much of the scripting code will be in python, and the game data in XML. This tutorial attempts to teach you the basics of python programming that you could use with civIV.Of course, this tutorial is not limited to those who want to play a slow-paced turn-based strategy game. That is what it was written for, but is perfectly useful to any person with no programming knowledge at all, who wants to learn python. But what makes this tutorial unique, is that it is written for...

[https://www.codementor.io/sheena/python-path-virtualenv-import-for-beginners-du107r3o1] - - public:Trinsec
Import, programming, Python, Tutorials - 4 | id:72301 -

This tutorial goes over the mechanism of importing those packages - making extra functionality (maybe someone else's code) accessible to your code. Once we've covered the basics of importing, we'll talk about version conflicts and introduce a common tool used for avoiding such conflicts - the virtual environment.

[https://bitstorm.org/edwin/cursus/dhtml.html] - - public:Trinsec
Coding, CSS, Design, graphics, Guide, Import, JavaScript, Tutorials - 8 | id:72137 -

"DHTML staat voor Dynamic HTML en is op zich geen standaard, op de website van het World Wide Web Consortium zullen we tevergeefs naar het begrip 'DHTML' zoeken.Door DHTML te gebruiken, is het mogelijk om pagina's interactief te maken waarbij onderdelen verschijnen, veranderen, bewegen en bijvoorbeeld reageren op muiskliks."

[https://www.eriwen.com/tools/grep-is-a-beautiful-tool/] - - public:Trinsec
Commandline, Import, programming, RegExp, Tools, Tutorials - 6 | id:72320 -

"Global Regular Expression Print is a staple of every command-line user’s toolbox. As with find, it derives a lot of power from being combined with other tools and can increase your productivity significantly."

[https://code.tutsplus.com] - - public:Trinsec
Code, Import, programming, Resource, Tutorials - 5 | id:72322 -

"CodeThousands of free tutorials and online courses to help you learn software development from mobile devices to web applications and everything in between. Join our community to improve your coding skills and workflow. What would you like to learn?Learning GuidesOur extensive learning guides provide a deep dive into various types of software development. Improve your WordPress knowledge, learn Ruby or PHP, get started with Swift and iOS, and much more. Each learning guide will help you master a topic from start to finish. Begin one of our learning guides today and see where it takes you!"

[http://jsforcats.com] - - public:Trinsec
Cats, Import, JavaScript, random, Tutorials - 5 | id:72489 -

JavaScript is a programming language or, in other words, a means by which a computer is instructed to do things. Just the same as one controls humans with hisses and meows, one controls computers with statements written in a programming language. All web browsers understand JavaScript and you can take advantage of that to make web pages do crazy things!

[http://www.elated.com/articles/javascript-and-cookies/] - - public:Trinsec
Import, Javascript, programming, Tutorials - 4 | id:72359 -

"Learn how to manipulate cookies using JavaScript with this tutorial. Re-usable functions for easy cookie access are provided, for use in your own scripts."

[http://www.weballey.nl/forms/index.html] - - public:Trinsec
Forms, HTML, Import, programming, Tutorials - 5 | id:72362 -

Behalve wanneer je volledig nieuw bent op het web, ben je waarschijnlijk al eens een html formulier tegengekomen. Je kunt er gegevens mee invoeren, en naar de server versturen. De server interpreteert die gegevens, en doet er iets mee. Als je zelf van deze formulieren wilt maken, maar je weet nog niet hoe, dan is deze tutorial precies wat je nodig hebt.

[http://www.w3schools.com/css/] - - public:Trinsec
CSS, Import, programming, Tutorials - 4 | id:72375 -

Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, and XML.

[http://www.darkskies.info/rotoscope.html] - - public:Trinsec
graphics, Import, Photoshop, StarWars, Tutorials - 5 | id:72205 -

There are a tonne of tutorials regarding creating lightsabres for your fanfilm, using a myriad of programmes. This tutorial is pretty simple, and required Photoshop to implement. I used Photoshop 6, but the technique is identical to earlier versions. As w

[http://www.cyberdiem.com/vin/learn.html] - - public:Trinsec
books, C, Import, Programming, Tutorials - 5 | id:72445 -

This list of C and C++ language tutorials includes interactive courses, tutorials, public domain code collections, and books.

[http://www.atncentral.com] - - public:Trinsec
graphics, Import, Photoshop, Tutorials - 4 | id:72237 -

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