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[https://www.schwab.com/learn/story/power-do-overs-with-guests-jeff-ryan-marissa-sharif] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, gaming - 3 | id:1385021 -

When you fail to reach a challenging goal, say, saving a certain amount of money each month or getting to the gym a certain number of times a week, it can be tempting to just give up on the plan entirely. But new research shows that building some flexibility into that plan can actually improve your chances of success. In this episode of Choiceology with Katy Milkman, we look at how mulligans, skip days, cheat meals, and get-out-of-jail free cards are important strategies for sticking to your long-term goals.

[https://mhealth.jmir.org/2020/10/e19280] - - public:weinreich
design, gaming, mobile, technology - 4 | id:1287031 -

Eight archetypes of gamification emerged from the analysis of health-related mobile apps: (1) competition and collaboration, (2) pursuing self-set goals without rewards, (3) episodical compliance tracking, (4) inherent gamification for external goals, (5) internal rewards for self-set goals, (6) continuous assistance through positive reinforcement, (7) positive and negative reinforcement without rewards, and (8) progressive gamification for health professionals. The results indicate a close relationship between the identified archetypes and the actual health behavior that is being targeted.

[https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOirFilM=/] - - public:weinreich
consulting, creativity, gaming, training - 4 | id:1221928 -

These quick lateral thinking icebreaker games will help participants flex their creative thinking muscles before jumping into your workshops. They are inspired by Edward de Bono's, now sadly no longer published, game Think Links. The de Bono methods are a means of breaking old patterns and creating new ones. They don't tell you what to think, but show you how to think for yourself, both creatively and inclusively. Learn more at debono.com This board was created and the cards lovingly drawn by Emily Webber @ewebber

[https://from10to25.org/] - - public:weinreich
gaming, storytelling, youth - 3 | id:958542 -

From 10 to 25 is a collaborative storytelling game about the period of life we call adolescence. Players take on the role of a young person making their way through adolescence. Players combine the experiences life has dealt them with relationships and resources available in their community to tell a story about growing up. The game builds understanding of what adolescence is and what young people need to thrive.

[https://www.christydena.com/2020/11/narrative-design-methods-the-journey-chart/] - - public:weinreich
creativity, design, gaming, storytelling, strategy - 5 | id:438450 -

The Journey Chart is an overview of the different elements of a project juxtaposed to show how they work together over the duration of the player/audience/reader experience. I’m sharing the Journey Chart Method because I’ve found it to be a nifty way to externalise, discover, inspire, unify, direct, and communicate the various elements of a project and how they are all connected.

[http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/multimedia/Interactives/artsedge-games/170224-artsedge-games.aspx#ae-games-larp] - - public:weinreich
gaming, storytelling, youth - 3 | id:266968 -

The ARTSEDGE Role-Playing System is designed to teach students the process of creating a game, rather than focusing on game play. In this approach to the literary arts, students begin with an existing book or short story from the curriculum to create and present their own role-playing game (R.P.G.) using rules adapted from the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Players Handbook. Educators use The ARTSEDGE Role-Playing System to guide students in groups of 3-6 through game ideation, world building, rule making, and game running, all based on the selected source material. Students are also encouraged to incorporate visual arts, music, and theatre into their presentations.

[https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/2749761] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, gaming, obesity - 4 | id:266739 -

In this randomized clinical trial of 602 overweight and obese adults from 40 states across the United States, gamification interventions with support, collaboration, and competition significantly increased physical activity compared with the control group during the 24-week intervention. The competition arm had the greatest increase in physical activity from baseline during the intervention; during the 12-week follow-up, physical activity was lower in all arms, but remained significantly greater in the competition arm than in the control arm.

[https://hbr.org/2019/05/improving-health-care-by-gamifying-it?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Rejection+Kills+%5BBest+Reads%5D&utm_campaign=Weekly+Digest+%28May+19%29] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, gaming - 3 | id:251668 -

A central challenge for all health-related gamification programs is engaging participation, particularly among high-risk patients. Several design elements commonly found within gamified health and wellness programs could be made more engaging by incorporating behavioral insights.

[https://www.nirandfar.com/2017/06/when-distraction-is-a-good-thing.html?utm_source=NirAndFar&utm_campaign=bc8a7c23cd-good_distractions&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9f67e23487-bc8a7c23cd-97594729&mc_cid=bc8a7c23cd&mc_eid=ab4c67da54] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, gaming - 2 | id:76151 -

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