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[https://thefix.media/2023/6/14/three-key-trends-from-digital-news-report-2023] - - public:weinreich
media, public_relations, social_media - 3 | id:1461458 -

TikTok is rising, Facebook is declining, and “return of the website homepage” is wishful thinking. Only 22% consume news starting with an outlet's home page. 36% avoid news altogether, esp young people. News avoiders say they're interested in positive/solutions oriented stories. Trust in news/sources continues down.

[https://pmarca.substack.com/p/availability-cascades-run-the-world] - - public:weinreich
inspiration, public_relations, social_change, social_media, word_of_mouth - 5 | id:1371092 -

“Availability” — short for “availability heuristic or availability bias, a pervasive mental shortcut whereby the perceived likelihood of any given event is tied to the ease with which its occurrence can be brought to mind”. “Cascade” — short for “social cascades through which expressed perceptions trigger chains of individual responses that make these perceptions appear increasingly plausible through their rising availability in public discourse”. An availability cascade is what happens when a social cascade rips through a population based on a more or less arbitrary topic — whatever topic happens to be in front of people when the cascade starts.

[https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/2787560002?utm_source=Non-Obvious+Newsletter+-+Main+List&utm_campaign=e88c053fa2-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_02_13_11_48&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f14a852876-e88c053fa2-56884485] - - public:weinreich
management, public_relations, social_media - 3 | id:241727 -

An industry rule of thumb, verified by USA TODAY through interviews with nearly a dozen influencers, marketing professionals and influencer platform founders, is a baseline rate of about 1 percent of follower counts per sponsored Instagram post, or $100 for every 10,000 followers. That means someone with 100,000 followers might start around $1,000 per sponsored post, while an influencer with 1 million followers could charge $10,000. And some experts called that conservative. Along with pricing structures based on follower counts, CPEs (cost per engagement) have emerged as another way to calculate marketing rates. Engagement is typically defined by interactions with content such as likes, comments, clicks or shares. Engagement rates can be found by adding up all engagements on a post, dividing it by follower counts and multiplying by 100.

[http://fenton.com/pages/5_resources/pdf/international_issues_final.pdf] - - public:weinreich
filetype:pdf, international, media, media:document, public_relations - 5 | id:79451 -

Getting U.S. media coverage of international issues has its challenges, but it's not impossible. This guide offers these 10 tips to help you cross the divide between events over there to the news over here. From Fenton Communications.

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