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[https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOirFilM=/] - - public:weinreich
consulting, creativity, gaming, training - 4 | id:1221928 -

These quick lateral thinking icebreaker games will help participants flex their creative thinking muscles before jumping into your workshops. They are inspired by Edward de Bono's, now sadly no longer published, game Think Links. The de Bono methods are a means of breaking old patterns and creating new ones. They don't tell you what to think, but show you how to think for yourself, both creatively and inclusively. Learn more at debono.com This board was created and the cards lovingly drawn by Emily Webber @ewebber

[https://www.danielstillman.com/blog/three-essential-leadership-conversations-for-creative-transformation] - - public:weinreich
consulting, management, training - 3 | id:574194 -

Getting to a “center with no sides” state is great. This is where my coachee was trying to get her team to - thinking of solutions to their central, big hairy goal. But it doesn’t come for free...you have to build up to that conversation. First she had to get them to locate themselves as *in* vs outside the circle of the question. Once they were aligned with the goals...that’s where the magic of the third conversation comes in. Leading powerful, transformational change requires the ability to facilitate three essential conversations, to answer three key questions: What is in and what is out? Ie, what are we talking about and what are we not going to talk about? Who is in and who’s out? Are we all in? What is our center with no sides? Ie, what is the most central question we are hoping to solve together? How can we dance on the edge of possibility? Once we know what we are talking about, and our most central question, how can we look past what’s possible to solve this challenge?

[https://www.sessionlab.com/] - - public:weinreich
conference, consulting, management, training - 4 | id:351439 -

SessionLab is the dynamic way to design your workshop and collaborate with your co-facilitators The most intuitive session planning system for facilitators, consultants and trainers. Design facilitation plans collaboratively, share professional-looking agendas with your clients and have a shared knowledge base within your team.

[https://medium.com/@dastillman/facilitation-means-designing-conversations-24bac966076e] - - public:weinreich
conference, consulting, creativity, design, management, training - 6 | id:350958 -

5Es of Experience Design: ENTICE, ENTER, ENGAGE, EXIT, EXTEND When you design a meeting as an experience, keep the 5Es framework as 5 “phases” of the experience in mind. Ask yourself: How might I entice people to join the meeting, how to get them to enter the conversation, how best to engage the participants, how to exit on the right note and how to extend the action to maintain momentum. I’ll guide you through these five phases with tools and case studies, so you can apply them at your work.

[https://scienceforwork.com/blog/training-make-change-stick/] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, management, training - 3 | id:309763 -

Key Points: Behaviour modelling training (BMT) is a popular training intervention which focuses on changing behaviours on the job. BMT improves trainees’ knowledge, skills, and desired actions on the job You can design BMT to work even better, for example by describing both the “what” and the “why” of the new behaviors trainees learn

[https://www.changewildlifeconsumers.org/change/behaviour-change-for-conservation-online-course/] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, environment, how_to, social_marketing, training - 5 | id:285239 -

Welcome to the Behaviour Change for Conservation online course. This open-access online course has been specifically developed to guide behavioural change practitioners, social marketers, communicators, and anyone else looking to develop or implement a behavioural change intervention for conservation gain. The course is spilt into five modules. You can navigate directly to a specific module should you choose. MODULE 1: Outline and overview of opportunities MODULE 2: Designing messaging for impact: framing, priming, and timing MODULE 3: Choosing the right messenger MODULE 4: Identifying mechanisms for impact: behavioural theories, models, and frameworks for change MODULE 5: Insight to inform approaches, research to guide adaptive management, impact measurement

[https://www.fsnnetwork.org/theory-change-training-curriculum] - - public:weinreich
social_change, theory, training - 3 | id:272208 -

Diverse guidance exists on how to best design and use a TOC. In this curriculum (Theory of Change: Facilitator’s Guide and all accompanying materials), we present one method that does its best to align to the requirements of creating a development hypothesis for Development Food Security Activities (DFSA) funded by USAID’s Office of Food for Peace (FFP). Previous experience in program and TOC development, participant feedback from six years of TOPS workshops, and input from the FFP Monitoring and Evaluation Team all helped craft this curriculum. We update it each year to align to the most current FFP guidance for DFSA implementers and to share newly discovered training tips.

[http://www.liberatingstructures.com/9-what-so-what-now-what-w/] - - public:weinreich
consulting, creativity, management, training - 4 | id:271953 -

Together, Look Back on Progress to Date and Decide What Adjustments Are Needed (45 min.) What is made possible? You can help groups reflect on a shared experience in a way that builds understanding and spurs coordinated action while avoiding unproductive conflict. It is possible for every voice to be heard while simultaneously sifting for insights and shaping new direction. Progressing in stages makes this practical—from collecting facts about What Happened to making sense of these facts with So What and finally to what actions logically follow with Now What. The shared progression eliminates most of the misunderstandings that otherwise fuel disagreements about what to do. Voila!

[https://www.mdrc.org/publication/show-don-t-tell] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, training - 3 | id:271902 -

Sunstein and Thaler used the example of a high school cafeteria layout to demonstrate how small changes in our environment can influence our behavior, and we’ve discussed how a well-laid out office space can improve program participation rates. The example and our observations inspired MDRC’s Center for Behavioral Science (CABS) to create an interactive training session on the power of physical space to provide nudges. We asked training participants — staff at workforce development programs that help people find and keep employment — to try organizing their space with different goals in mind by designing a hypothetical high school cafeteria. Workshop participants received paper cut-out icons for all the essential materials — salads, hot food, snacks, desserts, beverages, cash registers, tables — and were asked to organize a logical cafeteria environment. But the directions had a catch. Each group received a unique goal: arrange the materials to maximize either: Healthy eating, Profits, or Efficiency.

[https://behaviouraleconomics.pmc.gov.au/learn-hub/be-skilled] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, government, policy, professional_resource, training - 5 | id:269650 -

Want to learn more about applying behavioural insights to public policy? Take our free online course—Behavioural insights for public policy. There’s six learning modules, each with a quiz, to measure learning and understanding. It should help you understand the basics of BI, the mission and work of BETA, as well as the ethical application of the field. It takes about two hours – but you can save your progress and do it at your own pace.

[https://www.preparecenter.org/toolkit/data-playbook-toolkit] - - public:weinreich
health_communication, how_to, quantitative, research, training - 5 | id:266662 -

The Data Playbook Beta is a recipe book or exercise book with examples, best practices, how to's, session plans, training materials, matrices, scenarios, and resources. The data playbook will provide resources for National Societies to develop their literacy around data, including responsible data use and data protection. The content aims to be visual, remixable, collaborative, useful, and informative. There are nine modules, 65 pieces of content, and a methodology for sharing curriculum across all the sectors and networks. Material has been compiled, piloted, and tested in collaboration with many contributors from across IFRC and National Societies. Each module has a recipe that puts our raw materials in suggested steps to reach a learning objective. To help support you in creating your own recipe, we also include a listing of 'ingredients' for a topic, organised by type:

[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6-3-5_Brainwriting] - - public:weinreich
creativity, management, training - 3 | id:187498 -

In brief, it consists of 6 participants supervised by a moderator who are required to write down 3 ideas on a specific worksheet within 5 minutes, this is also the etymology of the methodology's name. The outcome after 6 rounds, during which participants swap their worksheets passing them on to the team member sitting at their right, is 108 ideas generated in 30 minutes.

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