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[https://www.marketingweek.com/ritson-marketers-creativity/] - - public:weinreich
creativity, inspiration, marketing, strategy - 4 | id:1461459 -

“One of the greatest gifts strategists can give themselves is the humility to appreciate that tactical ideas are neither their strength nor their responsibility. Setting up goals and scoring them are two very different things. To do one well you usually need to ignore the other. ...Strategy is not lesser than creativity, because it pre-empts and prepares it for victory. A brand must travel through the confusing forests of targeting, positioning and objectives before it can set up camp on the fertile field of creativity.“

[https://beta.character.ai/help?] - - public:weinreich
creativity, entertainment_education, storytelling, technology - 4 | id:1287296 -

Character.AI is bringing to life the science-fiction dream of open-ended conversations and collaborations with computers. We are building the next generation of dialog agents—with a long-tail of applications spanning entertainment, education, general question-answering and others. Our dialog agents are powered by our own proprietary technology based on large language models, built and trained from the ground up with conversation in mind. How does the Character.AI beta work? The Character.AI beta is based on neural language models. A supercomputer reads huge amounts of text and learns to hallucinate what words might come next in any given situation. Models like these have many uses including auto-complete and machine translation. At Character.AI, you collaborate with the computer to write a dialog - you write one character's lines, and the computer creates the other character's lines, giving you the illusion that you are talking with the other character.

[https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOirFilM=/] - - public:weinreich
consulting, creativity, gaming, training - 4 | id:1221928 -

These quick lateral thinking icebreaker games will help participants flex their creative thinking muscles before jumping into your workshops. They are inspired by Edward de Bono's, now sadly no longer published, game Think Links. The de Bono methods are a means of breaking old patterns and creating new ones. They don't tell you what to think, but show you how to think for yourself, both creatively and inclusively. Learn more at debono.com This board was created and the cards lovingly drawn by Emily Webber @ewebber

[https://twitter.com/grightford/status/1456513927391612955] - - public:weinreich
advertising, creativity, how_to, strategy - 4 | id:958521 -

If you write briefs as part of your job, read & bookmark this. So much that’s NB & useful, from truly interrogating the objective, to making sure the different sections line up, to writing your proposition as a headline, to the brief being a dynamic doc open to improvement.

[https://www.christydena.com/2020/11/narrative-design-methods-the-journey-chart/] - - public:weinreich
creativity, design, gaming, storytelling, strategy - 5 | id:438450 -

The Journey Chart is an overview of the different elements of a project juxtaposed to show how they work together over the duration of the player/audience/reader experience. I’m sharing the Journey Chart Method because I’ve found it to be a nifty way to externalise, discover, inspire, unify, direct, and communicate the various elements of a project and how they are all connected.

[https://medium.com/@dastillman/facilitation-means-designing-conversations-24bac966076e] - - public:weinreich
conference, consulting, creativity, design, management, training - 6 | id:350958 -

5Es of Experience Design: ENTICE, ENTER, ENGAGE, EXIT, EXTEND When you design a meeting as an experience, keep the 5Es framework as 5 “phases” of the experience in mind. Ask yourself: How might I entice people to join the meeting, how to get them to enter the conversation, how best to engage the participants, how to exit on the right note and how to extend the action to maintain momentum. I’ll guide you through these five phases with tools and case studies, so you can apply them at your work.

[http://imaginari.es/new-metaphors/] - - public:weinreich
branding, creativity, design, health_communication, how_to - 5 | id:272145 -

Through a series of workshops in 2017–18, we’ve been exploring a process for generating new kinds of metaphors, and then using those metaphors to inspire concepts for new kinds of interface design which could potentially help people understand things in different ways. The intention of the workshops is that the process might be something designers can use or adapt for idea generation, or to provoke new kinds of thinking about interface design. The extent to which the metaphors merely provide initial ‘seed’ inspiration, or actually form the basis of the resulting design, varies. Download the New Metaphors cards, v.0.3 (February 2018) — 129 MB PDF, 300 dpi Download a poster/leaflet from Interaction 18 including thumbnails of all the cards, and a shortened version of this article — 2 MB PDF Download templates / worksheets — 400 kB PDF

[http://www.liberatingstructures.com/9-what-so-what-now-what-w/] - - public:weinreich
consulting, creativity, management, training - 4 | id:271953 -

Together, Look Back on Progress to Date and Decide What Adjustments Are Needed (45 min.) What is made possible? You can help groups reflect on a shared experience in a way that builds understanding and spurs coordinated action while avoiding unproductive conflict. It is possible for every voice to be heard while simultaneously sifting for insights and shaping new direction. Progressing in stages makes this practical—from collecting facts about What Happened to making sense of these facts with So What and finally to what actions logically follow with Now What. The shared progression eliminates most of the misunderstandings that otherwise fuel disagreements about what to do. Voila!

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