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[https://from10to25.org/] - - public:weinreich
gaming, storytelling, youth - 3 | id:958542 -

From 10 to 25 is a collaborative storytelling game about the period of life we call adolescence. Players take on the role of a young person making their way through adolescence. Players combine the experiences life has dealt them with relationships and resources available in their community to tell a story about growing up. The game builds understanding of what adolescence is and what young people need to thrive.

[https://unintendedconsequenc.es/narrative-capture/?utm_source=Unintended+Consequences+mailing+list&utm_campaign=2e028c9aa8-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_91b919183c-2e028c9aa8-1342254718] - - public:weinreich
ethics, media_advocacy, policy, storytelling - 4 | id:924414 -

Narrative capture is when an industry, company, or group changes the common narrative for their benefit, even if that just means changing the status quo. What are our baseline expectations? What is acceptable behavior? What is the way we measure fairness? What should we complain about? As expected, narrative capture is different. Here are some of its forms.

[https://thezvi.wordpress.com/2021/10/28/an-unexpected-victory-container-stacking-at-the-port-of-los-angeles/] - - public:weinreich
media_advocacy, social_change, storytelling - 3 | id:830176 -

Then our hero enters, and decides to coordinate and plan a persuasion campaign to get the rule changed. Here’s how I think this went down. He in advance arranges for various sources to give him a signal boost when the time comes, in various ways. He designs the message for a format that will have maximum reach and be maximally persuasive. This takes the form of an easy to tell physical story, that he pretends to have only discovered now. Since all actual public discourse now takes place on Twitter, it takes the form of a Twitter thread, which I will reproduce here in full.

[https://www.vox.com/the-goods/22734620/fictional-influencers-fourfront-fake-tiktokers?fbclid=IwAR1OYoCbEf-Rcxg1egQ_sHP7xIovmEB__xPiNMSfaCf390wic7tqDHOMWaM] - - public:weinreich
social_media, storytelling - 2 | id:830065 -

“We’re basically creating an MCU-style universe of characters on TikTok,” says Benjamin. “Some succeed, some fail — it’s the TV pilot season model where we only invest in those that get traction and audiences love.”

[https://findthethread.postach.io/post/let-me-tell-you-a-story] - - public:weinreich
how_to, storytelling, strategy - 3 | id:797497 -

One of the most effective approaches I have learned is called SCIPAB, a technique developed by Steve Mandel and now spread by the company he founded, Mandel Communications. I was lucky enough to be trained in SCIPAB by Mandel Communications as part of a more general “presentation skills“ training. I don’t want to steal their thunder (or their business!), but I do want to share some of the insights that I carry with me and use regularly. SCIPAB is an acronym, which stands for the phases of a story: Situation Complication Implication Proposal1 Action Benefit

[https://www.statnews.com/2021/09/13/how-a-fatally-tragically-flawed-paradigm-has-derailed-the-science-of-obesity/?fbclid=IwAR1vnwcd8VqYm0_ds4cSGEw3frKPp-enAXWQaycP1ocAtfH16dJvnsUztT8] - - public:weinreich
inspiration, obesity, storytelling, strategy, theory - 5 | id:795041 -

We argue that the reason so little progress has been made against obesity and type 2 diabetes is because the field has been laboring, quite literally, in the sense intended by philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn, under the wrong paradigm. This energy-in-energy-out conception of weight regulation, we argue, is fatally, tragically flawed: Obesity is not an energy balance disorder, but a hormonal or constitutional disorder, a dysregulation of fat storage and metabolism, a disorder of fuel-partitioning. Because these hormonal responses are dominated by the insulin signaling system, which in turn responds primarily (although not entirely) to the carbohydrate content of the diet, this thinking is now known as the carbohydrate-insulin model. Its implications are simple and profound: People don’t get fat because they eat too much, consuming more calories than they expend, but because the carbohydrates in their diets — both the quantity of carbohydrates and their quality — establish a hormonal milieu that fosters the accumulation of excess fat.

[https://www.ideo.com/journal/op-eds-from-the-future-business-school-students-predict-tomorrows-headlines?utm_campaign=consglobal-campaign-journal-op-eds-fromthefuture-businessschoolstudents-predict-tomorrows-headlines-2021-03-18&utm_content=168151188&utm_] - - public:weinreich
design, storytelling, strategy - 3 | id:684244 -

Design fiction is one of the tools the students learn to prototype the future of business. Designers often use this strategy to help stakeholders envision divergent scenarios for their organization in the context of uncertainty. We asked the students to consider the forces at play in today’s fast-changing society, such as artificial intelligence and decentralized governance models, and write a story about the future. Zooming out of this aspirational story, they mapped out what would have to be true from a technological and business standpoint to bring positive aspects of that future to fruition, while calling attention to factors or decisions that could negatively impact our world years from now. At its core, design fiction is a strategic exercise that connects the dots between vision and execution, transitioning teams from imagining the future to taking action.

[https://www.christydena.com/2020/11/narrative-design-methods-the-journey-chart/] - - public:weinreich
creativity, design, gaming, storytelling, strategy - 5 | id:438450 -

The Journey Chart is an overview of the different elements of a project juxtaposed to show how they work together over the duration of the player/audience/reader experience. I’m sharing the Journey Chart Method because I’ve found it to be a nifty way to externalise, discover, inspire, unify, direct, and communicate the various elements of a project and how they are all connected.

[https://makinganewreality.org/making-a-new-reality-a-toolkit-for-inclusive-media-futures-a3bdc0e68f20] - - public:weinreich
storytelling, strategy, technology - 3 | id:385080 -

Why is it important to make sure that emerging media and communications technologies are created by people from a wide variety of backgrounds and identities? The media we consume has an enormous impact on our perception of reality. With this toolkit, we are trying to achieve something that humans have not yet achieved in the history of mass media — fair and equitable representation of the world’s stories and images.

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