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[https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/2787560002?utm_source=Non-Obvious+Newsletter+-+Main+List&utm_campaign=e88c053fa2-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_02_13_11_48&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f14a852876-e88c053fa2-56884485] - - public:weinreich
management, public_relations, social_media - 3 | id:241727 -

An industry rule of thumb, verified by USA TODAY through interviews with nearly a dozen influencers, marketing professionals and influencer platform founders, is a baseline rate of about 1 percent of follower counts per sponsored Instagram post, or $100 for every 10,000 followers. That means someone with 100,000 followers might start around $1,000 per sponsored post, while an influencer with 1 million followers could charge $10,000. And some experts called that conservative. Along with pricing structures based on follower counts, CPEs (cost per engagement) have emerged as another way to calculate marketing rates. Engagement is typically defined by interactions with content such as likes, comments, clicks or shares. Engagement rates can be found by adding up all engagements on a post, dividing it by follower counts and multiplying by 100.

[http://asburyandasbury.com/blog/2016/11/8/conversation-my-arse] - - public:weinreich
advertising, branding, marketing, product, social_media - 5 | id:229099 -

Andrex has become a great case study in modern marketing, because it represents the logical outcome of two dominant trends: the mission escalation trend and the conversation trend. Both are waves of brand thinking that have swept all before them in recent years, and it’s not exactly Andrex’s fault that they have been caught up in it. It’s just that the nature of their business means stretching both trends to breaking point. First, there’s the mission escalation trend. This is the homeopathy of marketing. It involves taking the functional purpose of any given product, diluting it to a slightly more abstract level, then diluting it again and repeating the process until you reach a level of abstraction so remote that any sense of specific purpose has been lost entirely. So if your product is a bar of chocolate, it’s not about giving people something chocolatey to eat, it’s about giving them a tasty treat. And it’s not about giving them a tasty treat, it’s about giving them a treat in a wider sense. And it’s not about the treat as such, but the enjoyment you get from that treat. And it’s not about the physical enjoyment, but the emotional enjoyment. And it’s not about the emotional enjoyment, but joy itself. And it’s not about experiencing joy, it’s about believing in joy. And now your brand purpose is more closely aligned to Buddhism than it is to chocolate.

[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-018-0031-7%C2%A0] - - public:weinreich
advertising, behavior_change, online_marketing, social_media - 4 | id:186806 -

Our results show that 48% of people who were exposed to the ads made future searches for weight loss information, compared with 32% of those in the control group—a 50% increase. The advertisements varied in efficacy. However, the effectiveness of the advertisements may be greatly improved by targeting individuals based on their lifestyle preferences and/or sociodemographic characteristics, which together explain 49% of the variation in response to the ads. These results demonstrate that online advertisements hold promise as a mechanism for changing population health behaviors.

[https://www.axios.com/technical-experts-peers-considered-most-credible-on-social-media-1529288419-5a791be6-9ece-4d7b-9146-196e523c1bd4.html?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=lisocialshare&utm_campaign=organic] - - public:weinreich
health_communication, social_media, target_audience - 3 | id:167049 -

Technical experts and their peers are considered the most credible for information on social media, according to the latest 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer survey. By comparison, celebrities, corporate executives and journalists are considered far less credible.

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