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Viewing weinreich's Bookmarks

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[https://fineacts.co/blog/2020/4/25/calling-all-creatives-join-our-new-global-art-campaign-on-hope] - - public:weinreich
graphic_design, health_communication, mental_health - 3 | id:309738 -

Our new campaign – called Spring of Hope – shares one powerful and uplifting illustration per day, every day, until the end of May –– https://fineacts.co/hope. All works, commissioned specifically for the campaign, are published under a Creative Commons License and are free to print, share and adapt non-commercially – for anyone who needs a dose of hope in these trying times.

[https://www.iconfinder.com/p/coronavirus-awareness-icons?utm_source=Daily+Lab+email+list&utm_campaign=8595b8440c-dailylabemail3&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d68264fd5e-8595b8440c-395948925] - - public:weinreich
graphic_design - 1 | id:290778 -

[https://hbr.org/2020/02/how-digital-design-drives-user-behavior] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, graphic_design, online_marketing, technology - 5 | id:279086 -

A review of recent research provides clear evidence that many organizations are currently undervaluing the power of digital design and should invest more in behaviorally informed designs to help people make better choices. In many cases, even minor fixes can have a major impact, offering a return on investment that’s several times larger than the conventional use of financial incentives or marketing and education campaigns.

[https://hxldash.com/] - - public:weinreich
graphic_design, international, quantitative, research - 4 | id:277148 -

HXLDash is a dashboard and online mapping tool designed for humanitarians and humanitarian contexts. HXLDash's aim is to make creating dashboards possible in less than 2 minutes by leveraging the power of the Humanitarian Exchange Language and linking to the common operation datasets.

[http://uxarchive.com/?ref=designtoolsweekly] - - public:weinreich
design, graphic_design, mobile - 3 | id:271281 -

UX Archive — collected the most interesting user flows that can help you analyze previous products and learn from others about what works and what doesn't. Examine tasks such as booking, logging in, onboarding, purchasing, searching, and more.

[https://www.echorivera.com/blog/science-comic-coffin] - - public:weinreich
entertainment_education, graphic_design, storytelling - 3 | id:266004 -

Before we get started…there’s a free PDF download available that’s related to this post. It has: 3 prompts to help you brainstorm what your comic could be about. 3 comic creation tips to help think more visually and help you create a comic. 5 comic page layouts you can use to sketch out your comic!

[https://behaviouraleconomics.pmc.gov.au/form-a-palooza-2019] - - public:weinreich
design, government, graphic_design, health_communication, how_to - 5 | id:265985 -

BETA hosted Australia’s first ever Form-a-Palooza on 28 June 2019. It was a one-day festival of forms, designed to share the latest in form design with public servants from across the Australian Government. Forms are the most common interaction between people and the government, and there are thousands of them—most still in paper. Improving forms is a simple but important way to improve service delivery and increase public satisfaction with government. Over 200 participants from 38 agencies came along to Form-a-Palooza to learn new techniques and put them into practice. We also launched a brand new framework to guide the development of good forms—the WISER framework. It’s based on the latest research, as well as our own experience working with government agencies on forms, letters and communication.

[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-019-0561-2.epdf?author_access_token=2t40_AInucFLuFXIQiVRLtRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0OzZpaMOGaVgMgMz7e_dc3fvIqaUiM0-nBokNPZYbezvPjKQePWHn8qFDjmmSoeVnTwua8GuVs_sk4IqXyyaB_zhTfM1nXnWCyMLgcXGA69Hg%3D%3D] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, graphic_design, theory - 3 | id:245238 -

Use of natural language to represent behaviour-change theories has resulted in lack of clarity and consistency, hindering com-parison, integration, development and use. This paper describes development of a formal system for representing behaviour-change theories that aims to improve clarity and consistency. A given theory is represented in terms of (1) its component constructs (for example, ‘self-efficacy’, ‘perceived threat’ or ‘subjective norm’), which are labelled and defined, and (2) rela-tionships between pairs of constructs, which may be causal, structural or semantic. This formalism appears adequate to rep-resent five commonly used theories (health belief model, information–motivation–behavioural skill model, social cognitive theory, theory of planned behaviour and the trans-theoretical model).

[https://www.nngroup.com/articles/top-10-application-design-mistakes/?utm_source=Alertbox&utm_campaign=07c124393f-appdesignmistakes_uxretrospectives_2019_02_18&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_7f29a2b335-07c124393f-24361717] - - public:weinreich
design, graphic_design, technology - 3 | id:241771 -

Here is our current list of the top 10 application-design mistakes that are both egregious and commonplace.

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