
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

Viewing time's Bookmarks

[http://4hset.unl.edu/4hdrupal/node/250/] - - public:time
FIRST, FLL, Lego, SSA-FLL - 4 | id:2255 -

Great site for skilling the team for Mindstorm programming.

[http://de.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/x2hvx/the_sentence_i_never_said_she_stole_my_money_can/] - - public:time
play., word - 2 | id:2269 -

"I never said she stole my money." --- Someone else said she stole my money. "I never said she stole my money." --- I never actually accused her of stealing my money. "I never said she stole my money." --- I probably implied that she stole my money in some other way. "I never said she stole my money." --- I simply said that someone (anyone) stole my money. "I never said she stole my money." --- She didn't steal it, she might have borrowed it. "I never said she stole my money." --- She stole someone else's money. "I never said she stole my money." --- She stole my frickin' heart.

[https://sites.google.com/site/pauldunn/] - - public:time
basic, kids, learning, programming - 4 | id:2274 -

SpecBAS incorporates all the features of Sinclair BASIC, but with more: Procedures, with both referenced and normal variable parameters Flow control with DO..LOOP, WHILE..LOOP, DO..UNTIL Better array handling, with variable BASE settings and FOR..EACH support Better string handling with LEFT$, RIGHT$, MID$, REPEAT$ etc Memory banks which can be loaded, saved and utilised to hold a variety of data types Many, many more maths functions, with both radians and degrees support Graphics with 8bpp in any supported resolution with full palette changing, rotation, scaling etc Sound support with MOD/S3M/XM/IT/MP3/VOC/WAV etc Turtle graphics, sprites, tilemaps.

With marked bookmarks
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