EP.4 ชีวิตคือการทดลอง ทดลอง ทดลอง | Design Thinking for Student Life on Vimeo [https://vimeo.com/837510935] - 2024-06-09 14:13:21 - public:stevetao Design, Design-Thinking, Thinking, Video - 4 | id:1492320 -
Reflective Journal | Journey.Cloud [https://journey.cloud/reflective-journal] - 2024-06-09 12:55:40 - public:stevetao Journal, Learning, Reflective, Thinking - 4 | id:1492308 -
Reflective thinking - Practice-based and reflective learning - LibGuides at University of Reading [https://libguides.reading.ac.uk/reflective/thinking] - 2024-06-09 12:51:40 - public:stevetao Learning, Reflective, Thinking - 3 | id:1492304 -
เพิ่มทักษะการคิดด้วยโมเดลการสะท้อนคิด (Reflective Thinking Model) - [https://wisemention.com/%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%9E%E0%B8%B4%E0%B9%88%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%97%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%A9%E0%B8%B0%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%84%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%94%E0%B8%94%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%A7%E0%B8%A2%E0%B9%82%E0%B8%A1/] - 2024-05-03 07:40:17 - public:stevetao Reflection, Reflective, Thai, Thinking - 4 | id:1491375 -
กฎของ Concept Mapping [http://www.prachasan.com/cmap/rulecmap.html] - 2024-04-29 09:07:37 - public:stevetao Concept-Map, Diagram, Thinking - 3 | id:1491323 -
How To Think Infographic :: Behance [https://www.behance.net/gallery/172412725/How-To-Think-Infographic] - 2024-04-05 05:58:15 - public:stevetao Thinking - 1 | id:1490888 -
12 Ways to Get Smarter in One Infographic - Universal Mental Models [https://www.visualcapitalist.com/12-ways-smarter-mental-models/] - 2023-06-12 16:30:26 - public:stevetao Infographic, Thinking - 2 | id:1461373 -
The Illustrious Omnibus of Super Powers 1 | Visual.ly [https://visual.ly/community/Infographics/entertainment/illustrious-omnibus-super-powers-1] - 2023-06-12 16:29:43 - public:stevetao Education, Learning, Thinking - 3 | id:1461372 -
Compendium of Idea Generation Methods [https://idea-sandbox.com/brainstorm-methods-introduction/] - 2023-06-12 16:07:51 - public:stevetao Creativity, Education, Idea, Thinking - 4 | id:1461366 -
Strategies for Higher-Order Thinking Skills - Book Units Teacher [https://bookunitsteacher.com/wp/?p=2598] - 2023-06-12 13:38:59 - public:stevetao Bloom, Cognitive, Education, Learning, Taxonomy, Thinking - 6 | id:1434271 -
Higher Order Thinking - Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies [https://teachreadingstrategies.weebly.com/higher-order-thinking.html] - 2023-06-12 13:26:55 - public:stevetao Bloom, Education, Learning, Taxonomy, Thinking - 5 | id:1434268 -
Tools - The LearnWell Projects [https://thelearnwellprojects.com/tools/] - 2023-06-12 13:02:09 - public:stevetao Education, Learning, Thinking, Tool - 4 | id:1434265 -
Communication Milestones for the Later Elementary Years: 4th, 5th, and 6th Grade Skills [https://www.speechbuddy.com/blog/language-development/communication-milestones-for-the-later-elementary-years-2/?utm_source=nrelate] - 2023-06-12 05:34:21 - public:stevetao Critical-Thinking, Education, Learning, Thinking - 4 | id:1434213 -
8 Critical Thinking Skills Kids Learn at Chess Camp [https://www.whitbyschool.org/passionforlearning/8-critical-thinking-skills-kids-learn-at-chess-camp] - 2023-05-16 00:08:23 - public:stevetao Chess, Skill, Thinking - 3 | id:1420355 -
The Universal Thinking Framework [https://en.calameo.com/read/005277495d67982583e74] - 2022-01-25 13:49:12 - public:stevetao Book, Education, Free, Thinking - 4 | id:1004946 -
Visible Thinking Routines for Blogging | Silvia Tolisano- Langwitches Blog [http://langwitches.org/blog/2013/11/22/visible-thinking-routines-for-blogging/] - 2021-08-15 15:03:02 - public:stevetao Thinking, Visual-Thinking - 2 | id:747689 -
Design Thinking to Design Doing: Bridging the Gap from Theory to Practice | CCTP-820: Leading by Design – Principles of Technical and Social Systems [https://blogs.commons.georgetown.edu/cctp-820-fall2015/design-thinking-to-design-doing-bridging-the-gap-between-theory-and-practice/] - 2021-08-15 11:52:42 - public:stevetao Design, Design-Thinking, Thinking - 3 | id:747678 -
Empathy Mapping: The First Step in Design Thinking [https://www.nngroup.com/articles/empathy-mapping/] - 2021-08-15 11:41:40 - public:stevetao Design, Design-Thinking, Thinking - 3 | id:747672 -
Think Like Steve Jobs: How Design Thinking Leads to Creativity [https://www.lifehack.org/623215/how-design-thinking-leads-to-creativity] - 2021-08-15 11:38:45 - public:stevetao Design, Design-Thinking, Thinking - 3 | id:747671 -
Software Creation Mystery » How to Meet Challenges with Systems Thinking [https://softwarecreation.org/2010/how-to-meet-challenges-with-systems-thinking/] - 2021-08-15 07:18:44 - public:stevetao Systems-Thinking, Thinking - 2 | id:747644 -
Beyond Design Thinking: Why Education Entrepreneurs Need to Think in Systems | EdSurge News [https://www.edsurge.com/amp/news/2017-12-22-beyond-design-thinking-why-education-entrepreneurs-need-to-think-in-systems] - 2021-08-15 07:12:26 - public:stevetao Design, Design-Thinking, Systems-Thinking, Thinking - 4 | id:747640 -
48 Critical Thinking Questions For Any Content Area | [https://www.teachthought.com/critical-thinking/48-critical-thinking-questions-any-content-area/] - 2021-08-15 07:07:49 - public:stevetao Critical-Thinking, Thinking - 2 | id:747638 -
Thinking Strategies | UBC d.studio [https://dstudio.ubc.ca/research/strategic-design/thinking-strategies/] - 2021-08-15 05:51:39 - public:stevetao Strategy, Thinking - 2 | id:747616 -
Design thinking for educators by Pepe Crespo - issuu [https://issuu.com/pepecrespo/docs/design_thinking_for_educators?epik=dj0yJnU9VGF1Rml1a05NS0dhNFZHeTluQ01XcU0yQWo5MGhPanEmcD0wJm49S0k1dWFGVW5uRC1kakp5MkFQMGRhQSZ0PUFBQUFBR0VZbmFF] - 2021-08-15 05:04:24 - public:stevetao Book, Design, Design-Thinking, Thinking - 4 | id:747611 -
DesignThinkers Academy - Headquarters Amsterdam Design Thinking [https://www.designthinkersacademy.com/] - 2021-08-15 04:35:05 - public:stevetao Design, Design-Thinking, Thinking - 3 | id:747602 -
Mindset? Process? Method? A Comprehensive Descriptive Model for Design Thinking | by Samuel Tschepe | The Startup | Medium [https://medium.com/swlh/mindset-process-method-a-comprehensive-descriptive-model-for-design-thinking-27a501bf80cf] - 2021-08-15 03:38:29 - public:stevetao Design, Design-Thinking, Thinking - 3 | id:747574 -
Download Music Thinking Instruments - Music Thinking [https://musicthinking.com/download-music-thinking-instruments/] - 2021-08-15 00:42:31 - public:stevetao Education, Thinking - 2 | id:747538 -
The Persona Core Poster – a service design tool | A diverging and converging blog by Christof Zürn [https://creativecompanion.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/the-persona-core-poster/] - 2021-08-15 00:41:17 - public:stevetao Education, Thinking - 2 | id:747537 -
การโค้ชเพื่อการรู้คิด พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 5_1544714623-Flip Book Pages 251-300 | PubHTML5 [https://pubhtml5.com/eghd/qabw/basic/251-300] - 2020-11-11 04:57:45 - public:stevetao Book, Thinking - 2 | id:436793 -
Design Thinking & the Marzano Taxonomy [https://mattdrewettecard.weebly.com/blog/design-thinking-the-marzano-taxonomy?fbclid=IwAR3KeI_7Ujy3M-qJWZDDuTIR8YEqfs9rSlPJjhT27hJ-DpXAJT8ksUM8JT4] - 2020-11-11 04:48:39 - public:stevetao Design, Design-Thinking, Marzano, Taxonomy, Thinking - 5 | id:436791 -
Tools for Systems Thinkers: The 6 Fundamental Concepts of Systems Thinking | by Leyla Acaroglu | Disruptive Design | Medium [https://medium.com/disruptive-design/tools-for-systems-thinkers-the-6-fundamental-concepts-of-systems-thinking-379cdac3dc6a] - 2020-11-11 03:21:45 - public:stevetao Systems-Thinking, Thinking - 2 | id:436787 -
เทคนิคการค้นหาและลดความสูญเปล่าด้วยแนวคิด Muda Mura Muri | สัมมนาดีดี ดอท คอม [https://seminardd.com/s/54401] - 2020-09-12 13:12:23 - public:stevetao Lean, Thinking - 2 | id:376075 -